
香蕉树和岩石Banana Tree and Rocks
双扭曲的骨骼岩Double-twisted Skeletal Rock
搅动云Stirred-up Clouds
鸟和蚱蜢Bird and Grasshopper
P鸟,岩石和竹子Preening Bird, Rock and Bamboo
骨骼岩Skeletal Rock
在山茶花的白有顶饰鸟White-crested Bird on Camellia
兰花束带Girdle of Orchids
芥菜种子园绘画手册,第1部分,卷。 3:岩石和山丘The Mustard Seed Garden Painting Manual, Part l, Vol. 3: Rocks and Hills
弯曲的分支,Litchee坚果Curved Branch, Litchee Nuts
芥菜种子园绘画手册,第1部分,卷。 4:数字和建筑物The Mustard Seed Garden Painting Manual, Part l, Vol. 4: Figures and Build
扭曲的树和岩石在银行Twisted Tree and Rocks on Bank
在雪的两个横渡的李子分支Two Crossed Plum Branches in Snow
梅花科和水仙Plum Branch and Narcissus
三个橘子的分支Branch of Three Tangerines
BranchwithFruit_TenBambooStudioCollectionofCalligraphyandPainting;十竹斋书画谱; Shizhuzhaishuhuapu
被打结的立场的三个桔子Three Oranges on Knotted Stand