
芥菜种子园绘画手册,第1部分,卷。 1:绘画简介The Mustard Seed Garden Painting Manual, Part l, Vol. 1: Introduction to Pai
梅花和松枝Plum and Pine Branch
在雪的两个横渡的李子分支Two Crossed Plum Branches in Snow
“C” - 形状的骨骼岩
金桔和岩石盘Dish of Kumquats and Rock
在右边的骨骼岩蒲公英Skeletal Rock Dandelion at Right
荔枝坚果分公司Litchi Nut Branch
在俯视水的银行的洋李Plum Tree on Bank Overlooking Water
骨骼岩Skeletal Rock
三个橘子的分支Branch of Three Tangerines
小米下的两只鸟Two Birds Under Millet
梅花科和水仙Plum Branch and Narcissus
芥菜种子园绘画手册,第2部分,卷。 1:竹子The Mustard Seed Garden Painting Manual, Part 2, Vol. 1: Bamboo
被打结的立场的三个桔子Three Oranges on Knotted Stand
蛇瓜藤Snake Gourd Vine
紫藤上的鸟Birds on Wisteria
BranchwithFruit_TenBambooStudioCollectionofCalligraphyandPainting;十竹斋书画谱; Shizhuzhaishuhuapu