
莲花荚,根和两个水CaltropsLotus Pods, Root and Two Water Caltrops
骨骼岩Skeletal Rock
在右边的骨骼岩蒲公英Skeletal Rock Dandelion at Right
三个石榴的分支Branch of Three Pomegranates
The Mustard Seed Garden Painting手册芥子园画谱,第3部分,卷。 3:Botanies和InsectsThe Mustard Seed Garden Painting M
两个垂直石头,右边较小Two Vertical Stones, Smaller at Right
金桔和岩石盘Dish of Kumquats and Rock
双扭曲的骨骼岩Double-twisted Skeletal Rock
BranchwithFruit_TenBambooStudioCollectionofCalligraphyandPainting;十竹斋书画谱; Shizhuzhaishuhuapu
樱桃的两个分支Two Branches of Cherries
飞行中的鸟和落花瓣Bird in Flight and Falling Petals
在俯视水的银行的洋李Plum Tree on Bank Overlooking Water
芥菜种子园绘画手册,第1部分,卷。 4:数字和建筑物The Mustard Seed Garden Painting Manual, Part l, Vol. 4: Figures and Build
搅动云Stirred-up Clouds
徐渭观念后的兰花(1521-1593)Orchid after the Conception of Xu Wei (1521-1593)
梅花科和水仙Plum Branch and Narcissus
莲花和叶子Lotus Blossom and Leaf
悬崖的影子Shadow of the Cliff