主要主题:走兽兔 ;次要主题:五谷小米 ;其他主题:花草菊技法:
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收藏着录: 石渠宝笈初编(御书房),下册,页1155 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷五),第三册,页148 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第三册,页115-116 内容简介(中文): 本幅绘野菊粟穗,一只墨兔伸着脖子,昂首嗅探,彷彿可以感觉到鼻息微动,栩栩如生。墨兔以墨色染成,并以浓淡不同的墨笔在深浅处丝出葺葺细毛,形态极为生动。 本幅无作者款印,旧籤称其出自宋人之手,然野菊、粟竿的用笔均与宋人不类,当为晚期画家根据宋代画稿所绘之作。 内容简介(中文): 山野的一个角落里,一只黑兔子昂起头来,彷彿可以感觉到牠启动鼻息,正嗅探着牠想要的食物。兔子该是嗅到了圆穗下垂的植物:「粟」(Setaria italica ),俗称「小米」的香味,中国古农书里则称作「梁」,它是华北地方的一种主要食物。从构图的完整性来看,画中的上缘,穗、叶、茎,左下角的「车前草」,都是显得有被切除掉的部份,这可想见原画应该是比较大幅的。黑兔的画法是用墨一层层的加深,将圆浑体态表达出来,并以浓淡不同的短细线条,在边缘或深浅处理出绒毛,刻划出皮毛黑黝黝的质量感。野菊与粟,用的是线条勾勒,粗细变化的线条,加深了微风吹过略有摇曳的动态。画家相当熟悉于中国北方的农田景物,他的描绘手法也颇精致,写实中也带来野地里的趣味。(王耀庭) 内容简介(中文): 本幅画野菊、粟穗与墨兔。体态圆浑的墨兔伸着脖子,昂首嗅探,彷彿可以感觉到鼻息微微颤动,栩栩如生。黑兔以墨层层染成,并以浓淡不同的墨笔在深浅处丝出葺葺细毛,刻划出此兔皮毛黑黝黝的质量感,极为生动写实。本幅无作者款印,旧籤称其出自宋人之手,然野菊、粟竿的用笔均与宋人不类,当为晚期画家根据宋代画稿所绘。(20110913) 内容简介(英文): This painting depicts wild chrysanthemums, millet, and the round form of a black rabbit, which cranes its neck to lift its head and sniff about. We can almost even sense the slight twitching of the rabbit’s nose as if the animal were right before us. The black rabbit was rendered using layer upon layer of ink washes. Very fine lines of light and dark ink were also used for the delicate fur of the recesses, delineating the quality and quantity of the rabbit’s shiny black fur in an extremely lively and realistic manner. Although this work bears no signature or seal of the artist, the label indicates it came from the hand of an anonymous Song dynasty artist. The brushwork for the wild chrysanthemums and millet stalks, however, differ from those associated with Song artists, suggesting it was painted by a later artist after an original Song work.(20110913) 内容简介(英文): In this painting of wild chrysanthemums and millet, a black rabbit cranes its neck and lifts its head to sniff at them. We can almost imagine and sense the breathing of the rabbit with its quivering nose as if it were alive before us. The black rabbit was rendered using washes of black ink. Very fine lines of light and dark ink differentiate a sense of volume and suggest the fine hair of the rabbit. Although this work bears no signature or seal of the artist, it has been attributed to an artist of the Sung. The brushwork for the wild chrysanthemums and stalks of millet, however, differ from those of Sung artists. Perhaps it was done by a later artist after an original Sung dynasty painting.