主要主题:佛道人物观音 ;其他主题:器用家俱(屏风)屏风;榻;脚榻;其他主题:器用宗教器用水杯内盛柳枝;其他主题:器用饮食器技法:
收藏着录: 秘殿珠林续编(干清宫),页95 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷五),第三册,页127 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第三册,页21-22 参考书目: 1.葛婉章,〈宋人画白描大士像〉,收入葛婉章编,《妙法莲华经图录》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1995年初版),页115-116。2.李玉珉,〈(传)宋人白描大士像〉,收入李玉珉主编,《观音特展》(台北:国立故宫博物院,2000年初版),页211-212。3.葛婉章,〈无缘大悲 观达自在 — 院藏「普门品」观音画探究〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第112期(1992年7月),页39。 内容简介(中文): 白描观音大士发安阿弥陀佛坐像,身披璎珞,抱膝恬坐于大床上,其持物水杯、柳枝放置身侧。观音开面与衣纹的流水游丝描法,似受晚明画家仇英、丁云鹏流派影响之作。床榻与观音身后的立屏全以界尺,杂绘卷枝繁花纹叶,以及珊瑚、法轮、斧钺等法器与乐器,悉皆纤毫毕现,具体而微。屏风在墩座上做出抱鼓的形态,屏壁上以蝇头小楷书全篇《普门品》,类似明中叶文征明之楷体。 内容简介(中文): 这是一幅白描画,观音菩萨长发披肩,头后有透明圆光,在华丽的坐榻上抱膝而坐。祂的五官娟秀,眼细嘴小,是一尊女相观音。画家用细如蚕丝的线条画出人物的轮廓和五官,以细劲流畅的笔触表现衣纹,好像行云流水一样。背屏上,还以蝇头小楷非常认真地抄录长近两千字的《法华经.普门品》经文。由于它的书风受到明代书画家文征明的影响,所以这幅画应该不是宋代,而是明代晚期的作品。 内容简介(中文): 白描画观音大士,头有圆光,发住阿弥陀佛,长发披肩,胸披璎珞,华榻上跣足抱膝。身侧置持物水碗、柳枝。床榻、踏足与背屏以界尺画成。榻上花卉、珊瑚、宝珠、仙鹤,以及背屏的鼎、角、钹、鼓、磬、念珠、书卷、棋盘等图案,皆精谨细致。观音开面与衣纹描法,似受明画家仇英、丁云鹏流派影响,背屏蝇头小楷书写全篇《普门品》,则带文征明楷体书风。 内容简介(英文): This ink painting of Kuan-yin, Bodhisattva of Compassion, features a halo, Amitābha Buddha in her hair, and long hair over the shoulders. She wears a necklace and holds her knee on an opulent daybed. By her side is a willow-branch water bowl. The daybed, footstool, and back screen are all done in ruled lines. The floral, coral, gem, and immortal crane motifs and the cauldron, horn, spade, drum, chime, bead, scroll, board, and other patterns are all finely rendered. Her serene face and drapery patterns show the fashionable influ-ence of such 16th-century Ming painters as Ch’iu Ying and Ting Yün-p’eng. In “gnat-head” small regular script on the screen is a transcription of the “Universal Gate Chapter,” featuring some of Wen Cheng-ming’s style. 内容简介(英文): In this pai-miao (outline) work, Kuan-yin's hair drapes over her shoulders. With a semi-transparent halo, she sits on an opulent daybed clasping her knee. Her elegant facial features, such as the delicate eyes and small mouth, create a very feminine appearance. The artist used strokes as fine as silk strands to define the figure outlines and facial features, and also employed delicately graceful yet forceful lines for the drapery, making them look like flowing clouds and water. On the screen is a transcription of "The Kuan-yin Chapter" from the Lotus Sûtra done in tiny "gnat's-head” regular script. Since the style reveals the influence of Wen Cheng-ming's (1470-1559) calligraphy, this is probably by a late Ming (1368-1644) artist.