夫天地者。万物之逆旅。光阴者。百代之过客。而浮生若梦。为欢几何。古人秉 烛夜游。良有以也。况阳春召我以烟景。大块假我以文章。会桃李之芳园。序天伦之 乐事。群季俊秀。皆为惠连。吾人咏歌。独惭康乐。幽赏未已。高谈转清。开琼筵以 坐花。飞羽觞而醉月。不有佳作,何申雅怀。如诗不成,罚依金谷酒数。康熙己末(西元一六七九年)中元日。沈荃。印记资料:
收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷八),第四册,页11 内容简介(中文): 沈荃(西元一六二四-一六八四年),字贞蕤,号绎堂。顺治九年(一六五二)探花,官至礼部侍郎。学行醇洁,书法著名,清康熙皇帝尤喜与沈氏讨论书法,故其书广为当时所推崇。书法学董其昌,论者以为并无董氏韵致。本幅书唐大诗人李白〈春夜宴桃李园序〉,虽是楷书,然点划横竖撇捺,已略带行书流畅笔意,每一字的结体,也非方正,而是略有倾斜,自有一股纵逸的气息,这样的风格特色,虽整体规矩,却在个别字体造形中求变。款书康熙己未(一六七九)已是晚年所作。 内容简介(中文): 沈荃(西元一六二四-一六八四年),字贞蕤,号绎堂。顺治九年(一六五二)探花,官至礼部侍郎。学行醇洁,书法著名,清康熙皇帝尤喜与沈氏讨论书法,故其书广为当时所推崇。书法学董其昌,但韵致有差异。本幅书唐李白〈春夜宴桃李园序〉,虽是楷书,然点画横竖撇捺,已略带行书流畅笔意,结体略倾侧,自有一股纵逸的气息,这样的风格特色,虽整体规矩,却在个别字体造形中求变。款书康熙己未(一六七九)已是晚年所作。(20110913) 内容简介(英文): Shen Quan (style name Zhenrui, sobriquet Yitang) was a high Presented Scholar of 1652 who went on to serve as Attendant Gentleman in the Ministry of Rites. A refined scholar of integrity, his calligraphy was renowned. The Kangxi Emperor was especially fond of discussing calligraphy with him, resulting in his style becoming emulated at the time. Though Shen’s calligraphy was patterned after that of Dong Qichang, it was in a style of his own. This work transcribes the “Preface to a Spring Evening Banquet in the Peach and Pear Garden” by the Tang poet Li Bai. Although in regular script, the individual strokes have some of the fluid brush manner associated with running script. The characters, in addition, are not exactly square and appear slightly slanted in a self-assured and untrammeled spirit. This feature of the style, which is slightly formal and regular in general, introduces a personal touch to the form and structure of the individual characters and lines. This work is dated to 1679, making it a late example of Shen’s calligraphy.(20110913) 内容简介(英文): Shen Ch'uan (style name Chen-jui and sobriquet Duo-t'ang) was a high chin-shih civil service degree holder of 1652 who went on to serve as Attendant Gentleman in the Ministry of Rites. A refine scholar of integrity, his calligraphy was renowned. The K'ang-hsi Emperor (r.1662-1722) was especially fond of discussing calligraphy with him, resulting in his style becoming emulated at the time. Though his calligraphy was patterned after that of Tung Ch'i-ch'ang (1555-1636), it had a style of its own. This work of calligraphy transcribes the "Preface to a Spring Evening Banquet in the Peach and Pear Garden" by the great T'ang poet Li Po (701-762). Although in regular script, the individual strokes have some of the fluid brush manner associated with running script. The characters, in addition, are not exactly square and appear slightly slanted in a self-assured and untrammeled spirit. This feature of the style, which is slightly formal and regular in general, introduces a personal touch to the form and structure of the individual characters and lines. This work is dated to 1679, when the artist was 55-years-old.