题跋类别:题签; ;书体:楷书;全文:杨维祯字廉夫。会稽人。元泰定中进士。官至江西儒学提举。明洪武二年召纂乐书。太祖以前朝老文学遣使奉币诣门。维祯辞不就。复遣有司追趣。乃乘安车诣阙留百二十日。维祯以曾仕元乞白衣放归。太祖全其志。仍赐安车还山。所着书凡数百卷。主题:
收藏着录: 石渠宝笈初编(养心殿),上册,页467 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷三),第一册,页269 参考书目: 1.朱惠良,〈元杨维祯草书题钱谱〉,收入《云间书派特展图录》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1994年初版),页121-122。2.王竞雄,〈「天子之宝 — 台北国立故宫博物院的收藏」展品系列(五) — 书法、图书文献〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第248期(2003年11月),页13。3.朱惠良,〈由书蹟观世变 — 杨维祯题古泉谱册〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第281期(2006年8月),页16-31。 内容简介(中文): 杨维祯(西元一二九六-一三七0年),浙江绍兴人,字廉夫,号东维子、铁笛道人。三十二岁及进士第,署天台尹,以狷介故,为黠吏陷,遂免官,往来苏松一带。然心系国事,曾上正统辩,为时所赏,后复官,会四海兵乱,遂泯迹江浙间。晚年居松江,因其学问文章气节而来从学者众。其文放逸险绝,称铁崖体,书风亦狂怪清劲,与文风相类。本幅草书题松江姚氏所藏古泉谱册,为元明人题钱谱杂文册之十,行笔苍劲,结字奇倔,墨色干湿燥润变化多端,为杨氏晚年精品。 内容简介(中文): 杨维祯(西元一二九六—一三七0年),浙江绍兴人,字廉夫,号东维子、铁笛道人。三十二岁及进士第,署天台尹,以狷介故,为黠吏陷,遂免官,往来苏松一带。然心系国事,曾上正统辩,为时所赏,后复官,会四海兵乱,遂泯迹江浙间。晚年居松江,因其学问文章气节而来从学者众。其文放逸险绝,称铁崖体,书风亦狂怪清劲,与文风相类。本幅草书题松江姚氏所藏古泉谱册,为元明人题钱谱杂文册之十,行笔苍劲,结字奇倔,墨色干湿燥润变化多端,为杨氏晚年精品。 内容简介(英文): Yang Wei-chen (style name Chien-fu and sobriquets Tung-wei-tzu and T’ieh-ti tao-jen was a native of Shao-hsing, Chekiang. At the age of 31, he received his chin-shih civil service degree and served as Magistrate of T’ien-t’ai. However, he was a direct and stalwart figure who made enemies in office. He was thus removed from office. Thereafter, he spent much time studying dynastic history, taking part in the official debate concerning the orthodoxy of rule. He thus became admired for his stance and was restored to his post. With the fall of the Yüan dynasty, he travelled about the south, and in his later years resided in Sung-chiang. Due to his reputation as a scholar and writer, he had many students. His writing was unrestrained and untrammelled in a style that was named after him. His calligraphic style was also somewhat wild and unconventional, much like that of his writing. This work is an inscription in cursive script for the album entitled Ku-ch’üan p’u once in the collection of a Mr. Yao in Sung-chiang, which was collected as leaf 10 in the album Various Writings on the Ch’ien-p’u by Yüan and Ming Artists. His running script is hoary and taut, and the calligraphy eccentric. The differences between moist and dry brush strokes are quite noticeable, making this a masterpiece of Yang’s later years. 内容简介(英文): Yang Wei-chen (style name Lien-fu; sobriquets Tung-wei-tzu, T’ieh-ti-tao-jen) was a native of Shao-hsing, Chekiang. He served as an official in T’ien-t’ai. Because of his stubborn, rash, and straightforward personality, he often encountered difficulties with officials. He eventually gave up officialdom and went to Suchou and Sung-chiang. However, still interested in politics, he submitted an essay on orthodoxy and legitimacy (Cheng-t’ung pien). For this, he received much praise and once again became an official. Late in life, he settled in Sung-chiang. Because of his erudition, his literary output, and his moral integrity, he attracted many students. His literary style is daring and risky, and his calligraphy is equally wild and strange. Yang Wei-chen used cursive calligraphy to write the tenth colophon to the album, Ku-ch’uan-p’u ts’e, which belonged to Mr. Yao of Sung-chiang. Yang Wei-chen’s brush movement is swift and energetic, and the composition of the characters is slightly strange. There is also tremendous variation in the ink tonality. This is a masterpiece which Yang Wei-chen executed late in life. 网页展示说明 杨维祯(西元一二九六-一三七O年),字廉夫,号铁笛道人,会稽(今浙江绍兴)人。元泰定四年(一三二七)及进士第,以狷介故,遭陷免官,后逢兵乱,避居钱塘、富春山而至终老。本幅草书题松江姚氏所藏古泉谱册,为元明人题钱谱杂文册之十。杨书下笔,力透纸背,老辣之甚,书风狂怪清劲,与号铁崖体之放逸险绝文风相类。此作行笔苍劲,结字奇倔,墨色干湿燥润变化多端,为杨氏晚年精品。(20110101) 网页展示说明 Yang Weizhen (style name Lianfu, sobriquet Tiedi daoren), native to Guiji (modern Shaoxing, Zhejiang) was a Presented Scholar (jinshi) of 1327. An honest and upright official, he was set up by adversaries and relieved of office. Later due to civil chaos, he sought refuge in Qiantang and the Fuchun Mountains, where he lived for the rest of his life. This work is for a catalogue of ancient coins in the collection of a Mr. Yao in Songjiang, being the tenth in an album of various writings by Yuan and Ming dynasty figures. Yang's brush seems to penetrate the paper with vigor, the style wild and eccentric yet pure and brisk, much in the untrammeled and precipitous (Tieyai) style for which he was known. The brushwork is powerful, characters lean with force, and ink ranges considerably in moisture, making this a masterpiece of Yang's late work. (20110101) 网页展示说明 杨维祯(1296-1370)、字は廉夫、号は鉄笛道人、会稽(现在の浙江省绍兴)の人。元泰定4年(1327)に进士に及第したが、偏狭な性格のゆえ、职を解かれた。后に兵乱を避けて銭塘、富春山に居を构え、晩年を迎えた。本作は松江の姚氏所蔵の古泉谱册─元、明代の书家が銭谱を题とした雑文册の第十に収录されている。杨维祯の书は、墨が纸の?に浸透するほど力强く、老练の极みである。その书风は风変わりだが清らかで力强く、「鉄崖体」と称された自由阔达な杨氏の文章に通じるものがある。本作の笔遣いは力强く、结字は実に个性的で、墨色は干湿相まって変化に富んでいる。杨氏晩年の名作である。(20110101)