收藏着录: 石渠宝笈初编(御书房),下册,页1096 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷二),第一册,页5 参考书目: 1.朱惠良,〈明陈璧书五言古诗〉,收入《云间书派特展图录》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1994年初版),页117-118。 内容简介(中文): 陈璧(活动于西元十四世纪后期),江苏华亭人,字文东,号谷阳生。以文学知名,曾受教于杨维桢门下。善篆隶,真草流畅劲健。洪武间(一三六八-一三九八)以秀才任解州判官,后调湖广,学书者争事之。其楷书似欧阳询,行草逼王献之,草书用笔近于怀素。书史谓宋克游松江时,陈璧曾从授笔法,然宋笔正锋,而陈多偏锋。本幅草书五言古诗,笔势萦绕飞动,上接怀素,然行笔时出偏锋,偶带章草笔势,流露出云间书派之风格特色。(20110913) 内容简介(中文): 陈璧(活动于西元十四世纪后期),江苏华亭人,字文东,号谷阳生。以文学知名,曾受教于杨维祯门下。善篆隶,真草流畅快健。洪武间(一三六八-一三九八)以秀才任解州判官,后调湖广,学书者争事之。其真书似欧阳询,行草逼大令,草书用笔俱由怀素自叙帖流出。书史谓宋克游松江时,文东曾从授笔法,然宋笔正锋,而陈多偏锋。本幅草书五言古诗,笔势萦绕飞动,上接怀素,然行笔时出偏锋,偶带章草笔势,流露出云间书派之风格特色。 内容简介(英文): Ch'en Pi (style name Wen-tung, sobriquet Ku-yang-sheng) was a native of Hua-t'ing, Kiangsu who was famous for his literary studies. He excelled in seal and clerical scripts, and his standard and cursive scripts are fluid and powerful. During the reign of the first Ming emperor (r. 1368-1398), he served as an assistant in Chieh-chou. Afterwards, he moved to Hu-kuang, and many vied to study calligraphy with him. His standard script was like that of Ou-yang Hsun, and his running cursive like that of Wang Hsien-chih. His cursive script also bears traces of influence from Huai-su's Autobiography. In histories, Ch'en Pi reputedly went to study under Sung K'o, but Sung K'o used a centered brush tip while Ch'en Pi held his brush on a slant. In this work, the brushstrokes twist with flying speed, a technique indebted to Huai-su. In his running script, Ch'en Pi tended to write more angular characters with a slanted brush tip, sometimes mixing in the style of draft cursive. This tendency to include draft crusive is one of the traits of calligraphers of the Yun-chien School. 内容简介(英文): Chen Bi (style name Wendong, sobriquet Guyangsheng). a native of Huating in Jiangsu, was famous for his literary studies and once studied under Yang Weizhen. He excelled at seal and clerical script calligraphy, and his standard and cursive scripts were fluid and powerful. Under the first Ming emperor, Hongwu (r. 1368-1398), he was a Cultivated Talent and served as Administrative Assistant of Jiezhou. Afterwards, he was transferred to Huguang, and many vied to study calligraphy with him. His standard script was like that of Ouyang Xun, and his running cursive similar to Wang Xianzhi’s. Chen’s cursive script also bears traces of influence from Huaisu. In calligraphy history, Chen Bi reportedly went to study under Sung Ke while in Songjiang, but Song used a centered brush tip while Chen held his brush at a slant. In this work of cursive script, the brush force twists with flying speed, a technique that is indebted to Huaisu. And in the areas of running script, Chen Bi tended to write more angular characters with a slanted brush, sometimes mixing in draft cursive. This inclusion of draft cursive is one of the traits of Yunjian School calligraphers.(20110913)