题跋类别:作者款识;作者:詹景凤 隆庆壬申(西元一五七二年)詹景凤制;书体:草书;全文: 印记:二如、凤主题:
主要主题:山水 ;其他主题:山水江河、湖海江河;其他主题:船 ;其他主题:人物高士(士人、隐士) ;其他主题:建筑房舍 ;其他主题:树木技法:
写意 苔点参考资料:
收藏着录: 罗家伦夫人张维桢女史捐赠书画目录,页88-93、165-166 内容简介(中文): 詹景凤(西元一五三二年─一六0二年),字东图,号白岳山人。安徽休宁人。隆庆元年(西元一五六七年)举人,初为南丰掌教,终吏部司务。深于书学,尤擅狂草,论者谓可与祝允明并列当代。精鑑赏,着有画苑、东图玄览等书。此图画江水行舟,远岸浮天,山石用笔简略,有斧劈笔意,足见马、夏一派遗韵。眞如图后张大千题跋所言:「沈着浑穆而意致洒然」也。本幅为罗家伦夫人张维桢女士捐赠。 内容简介(中文): 詹景凤(西元一五三二年─一六0二年),字东图,号白岳山人,安徽休宁人。隆庆元年(西元一五六七年)举人,初为南丰掌教,终吏部司务,精于书画鉴赏,识见深受时人敬服,着有《东图玄览》等书。詹氏书画才气洋溢,陶宗仪称其书法「可与祝枝山狎主当代」。此卷画江水行舟,远岸浮天,山石简略有斧劈笔意,承马夏一派遗韵,运笔亦见行草书风,确如张大千题跋所言:「沈着浑穆而意致洒然」也。本幅受赠于罗家伦夫人张维桢女士。(20120714) 内容简介(英文): Zhan Jingfeng (style name Dongtu, sobriquet Baiyue shanren) was a native of Xiuning, Anhui. A Prefectural Graduate of 1567, he was gifted at judging painting and calligraphy, being much admired by contemporaries (among his texts is Profound Viewing of Dongtu). Zhan was also talented at painting and calligraphy, the latter praised with Zhu Yunming’s. This landscape depicts boats on a river with distant shores and floating skies. The landscape is abbreviated in axe-cut strokes, traces of the Ma Yuan and Xia Gui style. The brushwork also reveals elements of semi-cursive calligraphy, much as Chang Dai-chien wrote in his colophon that it is calm and solemn yet free and easy. This work was donated by Chang Wei-chen, the wife of Lo Chia-lun.(20120714) 内容简介(英文): Chan Ching-feng, a native of Anhwei province, was a civil service candidate of 1567 who went on to serve in the Ministry of Personnel. Deeply studied in calligraphy, he came to excel at wild cursive script. Critics claim he was as representative in this field as the great Chu Yün-ming. Chan was also a connoisseur and the author of several books. This painting shows the subject of boating on a river. The distant bank floats in the sky to the rear. The hills were done with simple brushwork and the “axe-cut” texture strokes remind one of the Ma-Hsia tradition. As the great modern painter Chang Dai-chien wrote in an inscription here, here it is calm and solemn yet free and easy. This work was donated by Chang Wei-chen, the wife of Lo Chia-lun.