主要主题:翎毛 主要主题:花草芍药 ;次要主题:草虫 小虫子一只技法:
收藏着录: 国立故宫博物院缂丝,页16 收藏着录: 缂织风华:宋代缂丝花鸟展图录,页39-42 参考书目: 1.童文娥,〈缂丝花鸟〉,收入童文娥主编,《缂丝风华 — 宋代缂丝花鸟展图录》(台北:国立故宫博物院,2007年初版一刷),页39。 内容简介(中文): 浅褐色地缂织花鸟攀附在芍药枝上,正以蓄势待发动的姿态,凝视着叶脉间的小昆虫,生趣盎然。此幅缂织精密,技法多变,用「木梳戗」及「包心戗」织出花瓣与鸟羽等部分的配色,呈现细腻的晕染效果,但由于日久,使花朵的颜色有褪色现象;枝杈以墨加笔皴染。幅上织有朱克柔印,其印文的结构及章法,与镂绘集锦册〈缂丝鹡鸰〉、〈宋朱克柔缂丝鹡鸰红蓼〉近似,缂织极精工,构图精巧,应为朱氏作品无疑。 内容简介(中文): 朱克柔,女,名强。江苏松江县人。南宋高宗时(西元一一二七–一一六二年在位)以女红著名于世。浅褐色地织山鸟一只站立于芙蓉枝干上,紧盯着叶片上的小虫,生动逼眞。本幅刻织精密,花朵的颜色因时间日久褪色,但仍可见其丰富细腻之变化,枝干以墨加笔皴染。左方刻织印一:「朱克柔印」。本幅为「镂绘集锦册」第八幅。 内容简介(英文): Chu K’o-jou, also named Ch’iang, was a native of Sungkiang in Kiangsu. She was a famous weaver in the reign of Emperor Kao-tsung (r. 1127-1162). A bird is shown leaning perched on a branch of hibiscus in this tapestry of colored threads against a light brown background. The bird is staring at a bug on one of the leaves and appears quite realistic. The weaving of this tapestry is quite tight, but the coloring of the blossoms has faded due to exposure to light in the past. theless, the rich and fine variations are still evident. The texture of the branches was embellished with ink. The woven seal of Chu K’o-jou also appears here. This tapestry is the 8th leaf from the album “Gems of Weaving”. 内容简介(英文): In this tapestry of a bird-and-flower subject against a light ochre background is a bird hanging on a peony plant about to strike an insect it has seen amongst the leaves, making for a lively scene from nature. The weaving in this work is delicate and methods varied, including “comb propping” and “wrap propping” to combine colors in the areas of the flower petals and bird’s wings, thereby expressing an effect of fine washes. However, over the years, the original color of the blossoms faded, so ink and texturing was added to the branch. Woven into the tapestry is the seal of Chu K’o-jou (fl. 1127-1162), the structure and composition of this work similar to two others (“Wagtail” and “Wagtail and Polygonum”) in this album. The tapestry is exceptionally refined and the composition skillfully arranged, making this almost undoubtedly a work by Chu. This is the eighth leaf in the album “Collected Brocade of Carved Paintings.”