收藏着录: 石渠宝笈续编(重华宫),第四册,页1891-1894 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷八),第四册,页167 收藏着录: 故宫鸟谱一,台北:国立故宫博物院,1997。 内容简介(中文): 清人鸟谱此套画册原名为「馀省、张为邦合摹蒋廷锡鸟谱」。共十二册,每册三十幅,计三百六十幅。本院仅存前四册,后八册留于北京故宫博物院。乾隆庚午(西元一七五0年),画院画家馀省与张为邦奉谕摹写内府旧藏的〈蒋廷锡鸟谱〉,历时十一年完成。每开右页以工笔带西洋画法,描绘各种鸟类,左页以汉、满两种文字书写其名称、型态、特征、产地、习性等等。是一部近乎现代的鸟类百科图鑑的制作。 内容简介(中文): 清人鸟谱此套画册原名为「馀省、张为邦合摹蒋廷锡鸟谱」。有十二册,每册三十幅,共计三百六十幅。本院仅存四册,一百二十幅。鸟谱含动物学的纪录性质,与通常花鸟画稍异,画之对幅以汉、满文字记叙其名称、形态特征、产地、习性及前人着录等。此套画册自乾隆庚午(西元一七五0年)开始绘制,完成于辛巳(一七六一)年。 内容简介(英文): Documentary Albums of BirdsAnonymousCh’ing Dynasty (1644-1911)The original title of this set of albums was “Chiang T’ing-hsi’s Documentary Albums of Birds Copied by Y ü Sheng and Chang Wei-pang. ” Altogether, this series included twelve albums consisting of thirty leaves apiece, making for a total of 360 paintings. Only four of these albums have been preserved in the National Palace Museum.Since the nature of the surviving 120 leaves is more documentary in nature, the style of rendering the birds in each is slightly different from other bird-and-flower paintings. On the opposing leaf of each work are inscriptions in Chinese and Manchu recording the name, description, place of origin, and habits of the bird as well as other documentation.The entire project of recording these birds in this monumental series of albums was begun in 1750 and finished until 1761. 内容简介(英文): Manual of Birds Yü Sheng and Chang Wei-pang (fl. 18th c.)Ch’ing Dynasty These albums originally were entitled “Chiang T’ing-hsi’s ‘Manual of Birds’ Copied by Yü Sheng and Chang Wei-pang ”. Composed of 12 albums with 30 leaves each, totaling 360 works, the National Palace Museum has the first 4 albums, the latter 8 being in the Peking Palace Museum. In 1750, the Painting Academy artists Yü Sheng and Chang Wei-pang were ordered to copy “Chiang T’ing-hsi’s ‘Manual of Birds’ ” in the court collection, taking 11 years to finish. The right side of the leaves is painted in fine-line brushwork with Western techniques for each bird. On the left is an inscription in Manchu and Chinese for the bird’s name, description, features, native place, and habits. Thus, it is almost like a modern illustrated encyclopedia of birds.