收藏着录: 石渠宝笈续编(重华宫),第三册,页1714 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷八),第四册,页145 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第二十七册,页248-251 内容简介(中文): 满清宗室 弘旿(卒于西元一八一一),字卓亭,号恕斋,为允秘之子、康熙皇帝之孙。弘旿爱好文学书画,跟随宫廷画家董邦达学画,画风受当时仿古潮流影响,不以新奇为能事。弘旿落款用印附加「臣」字,如此敬慎的态度也见于弘旿其他作品,即使并非奉旨之作亦复如此。由于「弘」字与乾隆皇帝「弘历」第一字相同,为了表示恭敬,弘旿又沿用避讳的惯例,缺写最后一笔。 内容简介(英文): Hung-wu, a member of the Manchu imperial clan, was a grandson of the K'ang-hsi Emperor (r. 1662-1722). He enjoyed literature, calligraphy, and painting, studying under the court artist Tung Pang-ta. Hung-wu's style was influenced by the trend then of imitating antiquity rather than that of novelty. His signature here, in addition to a seal, uses the character “ch'en ? ”, meaning a court subject. This reverent attitude is also found in his other works. Even a work not done on imperial command reveals this attitude of his. Since the character for “Hung” is the same as the first one in the Ch'ien-lung Emperor's personal name (Hung-li), out of respect, Hung-wu followed the custom of avoiding such so-called taboo characters by leaving off the last brushstroke of that character. 内容简介(英文): Hung-wu of the Manchu imperial clan was a grandson of the K'ang-hsi Emperor (r. 1662-1722). Hung-wu enjoyed literature, calligraphy, and painting, studying under the court artist Tung Pang-ta. His style was influenced then by the trend of imitating antiquity rather than that of novelty. His signature here, in addition to a seal, uses the character “ch’en 臣”, meaning a court subject. This reverent attitude is also found in other works. Even a work not done on imperial command reveals this attitude. Since the character for “Hung” is the same as the first one in the Ch'ien-lung Emperor's personal name, Hung-li, Hung-wu expressed respect by following the custom of avoiding such so-called taboo characters by leaving off the last stroke.