题跋类别:题跋;作者: 上方裱绫 ;书体:楷书;全文:(上方裱绫藏书标名。朱书。下为楷书题名。释迦牟尼佛。)主题:
其他主题:山水奇石 主要主题:佛道人物佛释迦牟尼;其他主题:山水云五色云;次要主题:佛道人物佛道侍者二;其他主题:花草莲荷 ;其他主题:器用宗教器用七宝(珠宝、马宝、象宝、兵宝、锡杖、钵、如意宝珠背光;其他主题:器用花器花瓶;其他主题:器用饮食器果盘;其他主题:器用家俱(屏风) ;其他主题:果蔬桃子 ;其他主题:树木 ;其他主题:花草技法:
工笔 人物衣纹描法(匀称线条)参考资料:
收藏着录: 秘殿珠林续编(干清宫),页365 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷八),第四册,页126 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第十三册,页379-380 内容简介(中文): 姚文瀚(活动于西元一七五二年前后),顺天(北平)人。号濯亭,乾隆时供奉内廷,善画佛道人物。 佛陀释迦牟尼,是无与伦比的完人。他的双目凝视着经文,他的身体射出宛如金色的光芒。佛陀一面、二手,盘膝而坐。向佛陀致敬!您的右手作触地手印,您的左手作修法手印。《罗汉礼供》 本幅为十六罗汉连作的中心人物-释迦牟尼佛。释尊结跏趺坐于方坛莲座上,左手结定印,右手作触地降魔印。舍利子、目犍连二弟子持锡杖捧钵,侍立两侧。西藏画中,释尊的胁侍弟子是舍利子及目犍连,而非汉画贯见的阿难及迦叶。 画中释迦牟尼佛光环的外缘,有装饰华丽的「六舁座」,由金翅鸟、龙女、魔羯巨鳌、独角麒麟美少年、狮、象组成,象征获得佛智的「六度」。坛前供奉着西藏七宝:法轮、珍宝、皇后、大臣、大象、马及武将。 内容简介(英文): Yao Wen-han (sobriquet Cho-t’ing) was a native of Shun-t’ien (modern Peking). He excelled in Buddha and Taoist figure painting and served as a painter in the Inner Court of the Ch’ien-lung emperor (r.1736-1796). This painting represents the central figure in the cycle of sixteen lohans, Shākyamuni, the historical Buddha. Shākyamuni is sitting in a cross-legged meditative position (samadhi) upon a square lotus pedestal. His makes the dhyāna mudrā (the gesture signifying mediation) with his left hand and the bhūmisparsha mudrā (the gesture of calling the earth as witness) with his right hand. Shāriputra and Maudgālyayana, two attendant disciples holding Buddhist walking staffs and alms bowls, flank Shākyamuni. In Tibetan Buddhist art, Shākyamuni’s disciples are Shāriputra and Maudgālyayana, and not Ānanda and Kāshypa, the two disciples usually depicted in Chinese Buddhist paintings. In a mandorla behind Shākyamuni Buddha are the six kinds of spirits: Garuda, the king of birds; Nāgakanyā, dragon maidens; makaras, sea birds; children and beasts; and lions and elephants-the symbols of the six wisdoms. In the foreground in front of the lotus pedestal are the seven treasures of Tibetan Buddhism: the Wheel of the Law (Dharmaçakra), precious treasures, the empress, ministers, an elephant, a horse, and a military officer.