题跋类别:作者款识;作者:唐寅;题跋位置:本幅;款识:宫柳条长影可搓。金吾弛禁不相诃。内人争唱横□调。乐府新谐□邓歌。(喜字点去)戏局结团分鬪雀。灯轮自转应鸣鼍。遗钿堕珥知多少。帝里春宵奈尔何。上元京城看鳌山灯。六如居士唐寅作并书。;书体:行书;全文: 印记:唐伯虎主题:
次要主题:山水春景 ;次要主题:山水夜景(月景) ;次要主题:节令与二十四节气年节上元;次要主题:树木松 ;其他主题:人物高士(士人、隐士) ;其他主题:人物仕女二人;其他主题:树木 ;其他主题:树木竹 ;其他主题:花草藤萝 ;其他主题:建筑篱笆、围墙 ;其他主题:建筑房舍 ;其他主题:树木梧桐 ;其他主题:人物侍从(侍女、童仆)童仆;其他主题:山水瀑布技法:
写意 皴法披麻皴人物衣纹描法(匀称线条)参考资料:
收藏着录: 石渠宝笈初编(养心殿),上册,页653 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷八),第四册,页79 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第七册,页35-36 参考书目: 1.江兆申,〈唐寅灯宵闺话 轴〉,收入国立故宫博物院编,《吴派画九十年展》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1975年初版,1976年再版,1981年三版),页300。 内容简介(中文): 弘治戊午(一四九八),秋,唐寅中式南京解元。岁暮,附江阴举人徐经船入京。己未(一四九九)二月,与会试。会试前,不尽力于举业,颇事酬应。此画所题是上元京城看鳌山灯,寅会试而后,挫折潦倒,未尝再至京师,故此画当作于斯际。此幅若加细审,款书出于双钩廓填,画亦描摹之作,惟极精,非细审不能察。 内容简介(英文): 1499/T’ang Yin Conversation in the Women’s Apartments during the Lantern Festival/ In the autumn of 1498 T’ang Yin placed highest in the second-degree examination in Nanking. At the end of the year he journeyed to Peking on a boat owned by Hsü Ching, who had been recommended for the metropolitan examination from Chiang-yin. T’ang took the metropolitan exam for the chin-shih degree in the second month of 1499 but did not apply himself to his studies before the exam, preferring to lead an active social life. According to T’ang’s inscription on this painting, it was painted in the capital during the Lantern Festival (the 15th of the first lunar month). After he was disgraced at the examination (accused of cheating) and his hopes for an official career frustrated, he never went back to the capital. Therefore this painting must have been done in 1499. Examining the painting more closely, we find that the calligraphy was done by first drawing outlines and then filling them in with ink, i.e. it is a tracing copy. The painting itself is also a copy. The whole is so finely executed that only minute examination reveals the marks of a copyist.