题跋类别:题跋;作者:清仁宗对幅 ;书体:楷书;全文:(嘉庆御题己巳御题,诗文不录)印记:嘉庆御笔、笔正心正题籤 裱纸 ;书体:楷书;全文:王振鹏飞阁观潮。主题:
其他主题:山水 ;次要主题:山水江河、湖海浪涛;水纹;其他主题:人物高士(士人、隐士)士人;其他主题:人物侍从(侍女、童仆) ;其他主题:树木 ;其他主题:花草 草;其他主题:花草芦苇 ;次要主题:建筑台阁 ;其他主题:建筑篱笆、围墙围墙技法:
工笔 界画 皴法斧劈皴人物衣纹描法(减笔)参考资料:
收藏着录: 石渠宝笈三编(春泽斋),第八册,页4077 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷六),第四册,页266 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第二十九册,页336-343 内容简介(中文): 王振鹏,字朋梅,永嘉(今浙江温州)人,生卒年不详。界画极工致,仁宗眷爱之,赐号孤云处士。运笔和墨,毫分缕析,左右高下,俯仰曲折,方圆平直,曲尽其体,而神气飞动。钱塘为著名的观潮水之地,当八月潮水湧入时,浪花千捲,排山倒海而来之势为一奇景。后人筑亭于此以便观潮。王振鹏以细致的手笔来描写亭台楼阁,设色鲜明,画中一人由书僮陪伴,立于亭中观看滚滚而来的潮水。整幅画给人生动细致的感觉,为一难得的册页。 内容简介(英文): Wang Chen-p'eng's style name was P'eng-mei, and he came from Yung-chia (Wen-chou), Chekiang. His birth and death dates are unknown. Emperor Jen-tsung (r. 1312-1321) appreciated his fine and detailed chieh-hua (ruled line) paintings, and gave him the sobriquet Ku-yun ch'u-shih. In his use of brush and ink, Wang Chen-p'eng was able to analyze in detail spatial relationships and the myriad curved and straight elements of architecture, at the same time creating an effect of vitality and energy.During the lunar eighth month, the incoming waves at the mouth of the Ch’ien-t'ang River at Hai-ning are particularly spectacular. The crests and spray of the tide create a view not unlike countless ranges of mountains. Wang Chen-p'eng uses a fine linear style to describe one of the many pavilions built to view the tidal bore. Within the brightly painted pavilion, a gentleman is viewing the scenery while an attendant waits behind him. Every element is rendered in a refined and lively manner.