主要主题:佛道人物罗汉(应真、尊者)1人;次要主题:佛道人物佛道侍者1人;次要主题:树木柏 ;次要主题:树木芭蕉 ;其他主题:山水江河、湖海江河;其他主题:树木 ;其他主题:花草 草;其他主题:器用家俱(屏风)木几、椅、坐垫;其他主题:器用文玩(琴棋书画)书画技法:
工笔 皴法 苔点 人物衣纹描法(匀称线条)参考资料:
收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷六),第四册,页100-101 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第二十三册,页42-47 内容简介(中文): 丁云图,生平不详,此册幅后有题识,故知画于一五七七至一五七八年之间。此图为「罗汉册」之一开,人物线描如行云流水,造形则作变形处理。全幅笔法纤细,布局工整,设色雅淡,兼用青绿,颇有吴派风韵。 此图绘椅具有明代四出头官帽椅的基本特点,整体简洁,扶手与座面间有竖枨,座面下横竖支架交角处用牙条予以装饰。下方前后枨高度相同,左右用罗锅枨。翘头案特征乃案面两端向上翘起,明代称「飞角」,案面下两侧用挡板。此案比例匀称,呈现明代家具典雅之美。 内容简介(英文): The exact birth and death dates of Ting Yün-t’u are unknown. This leaf is from ˝Album of Lohans˝, which has inscriptions dating to 1577 and 1578, indicating when this painting was done. The brushstrokes .describing the figure are like ˝flowing water and drifting clouds, ˝ giving it a fluid character. The brushwork in the whole work is delicate and subtle, the composition well-executed and complete, and the coloring elegant and subdued. The use of blue-green is similar to the style of Wu School literati artists. The chair in this painting reflects the basic features of Ming armchairs with projecting rails. Pure and simple in design, the chair here has armrests supported by vertical braces. Below the seat, the interlocking vertical and horizontal framework employs spandrels for decoration. The braces at the front and rear of the lower section are of the same height, while the right and left sides have curving humpbacked stretchers. The table is characterized by everted flanges at either end, which were called ˝flying corners˝ in the Ming. Two sides of the table also have panels. The proportions of this table are even and restrained, revealing the classic beauty of Ming furniture.