题跋类别:作者款识;作者:郭畀;题跋位置:本幅;款识:郭畀;书体:楷书;全文: 印记:据梧斋、月琴主题:
主要主题:山水冬景(雪景) 主要主题:树木竹 ;次要主题:山水江河、湖海 ;其他主题:树木寒林.枯树枯树;其他主题:花草荆枝技法:
写意 皴法 苔点参考资料:
收藏着录: 石渠宝笈三编(延春阁),第四册,页1607 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷四),第二册,页123-125 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第十七册,页233-236 内容简介(中文): 郭畀(西元一二八○—一三三五年),京口人(今江苏丹徒县)。字天钖,号退思,擅长书画,喜爱与和尚、道士等方外人士来往交游。山水具有米家风格,也擅长古木竹石之类的画,每每在酒后拿笔挥洒,醉墨淋漓,自认为可以跟古人比美。此幅画严寒的江渚水边,白雪将一丛竹林覆盖,呈现出荒凉而寂寥的寒冬景象。描画精巧,一种清新雅致的气氛,似在笔墨间扩散开来。 内容简介(英文): Kuo Pi, a native of Ching-k'ou (in Kiangsu province), was a skilled painter and calligrapher who often associated with famous scholars and monks of his time. His landscapes bear the style of the Sung scholar-painters Mi Fu and Mi Yu-jen. He also specialized in painting scenes of bamboo, trees, and rocks. When intoxicated, he would take a brush and apply ink freely to create his paintings, which he thought equaled in beauty those of the ancients.Set deep in a cold and desolate winter, the bamboo here are laden with snow as this riverbank scene is hushed in stillness. Kuo's style of painting is quite exquisite here, revealing an atmosphere of purity and utmost elegance using the brushwork for which he was known to have used. 网页展示说明 郭畀(西元一二八0—一三三五年),京口人(今江苏丹徒县)。字天钖,号退思,擅长书画,喜爱与和尚、道士等方外人士来往交游。山水具有米家风格,也擅长古木竹石之类的画,每每在酒后拿笔挥洒,醉墨淋漓,自认为可以跟古人比美。 此幅画严寒的江渚水边,白雪将一丛竹林覆盖,呈现出荒凉而寂寥的寒冬景象。描画精巧,一种清新雅致的气氛,似在笔墨间扩散开来。(20120408) 网页展示说明 Guo Bi (style name Tianxi, sobriquet Tuisi), a native of Qingkou (in Jiangsu province), was a skilled painter and calligrapher who often associated with famous scholars and monks of his time. His landscapes bear the style of the Song dynasty father-and-son scholar-painters Mi Fu and Mi Youren. He also specialized in painting scenes of bamboo, trees, and rocks. When intoxicated, he would take a brush and apply ink freely to create his paintings, which he thought equaled in beauty those of the ancients.Set deep in a cold and desolate winter, the bamboo here are laden with snow as this riverbank scene is hushed in stillness. Guo Bi’s style of painting is quite exquisite, revealing an atmosphere of purity and utmost elegance using the brushwork for which he was known to have used.(20120408) 网页展示说明 郭畀(1280-1335)、京口の人(现在の江苏省镇江市丹徒区)。字は天锡、号は退思、书画を得意とし、僧侣や道士など、出家者との交游を好んだ。その山水画には米家(米芾・米友仁)の趣が备わっており、古木や竹石などの絵にも长けていた。どの作品も酒を饮んだ后、酔いにまかせて笔を走らせたもので、その作品は古人に匹敌するものだと自负していた。本作には厳寒の川辺の风景が描かれている。竹林は真っ白な雪で复われ、荒凉としたもの寂しい冬景色が広がっている。细かく丹念に描写されており、ある种の清新な雰囲気が感じられ、それが笔墨の间に漂っているかのようである。 (20120408)