主要主题:经史‧故事 汉丙吉问喘图 主要主题:人物官员(臣) ;次要主题:人物农夫 ;次要主题:走兽牛 ;其他主题:山水 ;其他主题:山水溪涧、湍泉溪涧 ;其他主题:山水云 ;其他主题:山水瀑布 ;其他主题:人物侍从(侍女、童仆)侍从 ;其他主题:树木技法:
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收藏着录: 石渠宝笈三编(延春阁),第四册,页1530 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷四),第二册,页89-90 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第十七册,页35-40 参考书目: 1.朱惠良,〈元王逢跋宋人问喘图〉,收入《云间书派特展图录》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1994年初版),页116。2.〈传宋人画问喘图〉,收入陈阶晋、赖毓芝主编,《追索浙派》(台北:国立故宫博物院,2008年初版一刷),页167。 内容简介(中文): 本幅无作者名款,画丙吉问年喘的故事。按「汉书‧丙吉传」记载:丙吉当丞相时,一日,遇百姓死伤枕借,阻塞道路,丙吉视若无睹,看见有人赶牛,牛吐舌喘息,立即向前,询问牛行多远。随侍官员不解丞相为何顾此而略彼,丙吉解释说:「老百姓搏斗而有死伤,这是京兆尹职责所当禁止的。现在时方交春,气候不宜太热,现见牛行近距离即喘息,恐时气失节,我位居三公,职掌是调和阴阳,理当操心此类事物,所以我才问牛何以喘气。」 内容简介(中文): 本幅绘西汉丞相丙吉知大体的故事。丙吉尝外出,见百姓群斗,死伤横道,却过而不问。不久见有人逐牛,牛吐舌喘息,他即上前探问牛行已有多远。随侍官员不解丞相为何顾此而失彼,丙吉曰,百姓搏斗属京兆尹职权所在,而今春热未深,牛竟急喘,恐寒暑失时,阴阳不调,这才是丞相应关心之事。画中烟云弥漫,水墨氤氲,人物衣纹多颤笔,而表情生动。幅上无名款,虽题为宋人,或为后人伪讬。 内容简介(英文): This work shows the story of Bing Ji, a prime minister of the Western Han. One day, while riding in his cart with attendants, they came across brawling people by the road. He continued without concern. He then came across a man with an water buffalo panting. He immediately stopped to ask how long they had been traveling. His attendants were puzzled as to why he was more concerned about an ox than injured people. He replied that fighting was a matter for local officials, but an ox panting in early spring (if not traveling for long) suggested unusual heat, which could have disastrous results for all. This muggy scene is rendered in ink and the drapery lines quiver. Although attributed to a Sung artist, it is probably by a later hand. 内容简介(英文): This painting has no signature of the artist. The content of the work illustrates an anecdote which is recorded in Documents of the Han Dynasty (Han shu). The story goes that one spring day, Ping Chi (d.55 BC), a high official of the Han, came across people lying dead and injured on the road. Taking no heed, he continued on. A little later he encountered a man leading a water-buffalo which was painting heavily. He immediately became concerned and asked the ox-herd as to how long the water-buffalo had been traveling. To those who felt that he should have showed more concern for dead and dying people than an ox, Ping Chi replied; Brawlers who kill or injure themselves should be dealt with [ individually ] by those business it is to deal with such matters. An ox painting in spring—if it is not painting from a long journey—means that the summer heat has arrived before its time and that the seasons are out of joint, thus creating a situation of grave concern for everybody in the country. 网页展示说明 画的是辅佐汉宣帝(西元前91-49)的有名丞相丙吉(卒于西元前55)的故事。丙吉汉代鲁国人,字少卿,封博阳侯。丙吉当宰相时,一天外出,逢到路上群众斗殴,死伤在路上。做为宰相的丙吉却一点也不过问。他的随从人员就责怪他。丙吉又继续前进,看到有人赶一头牛,这只牛张开嘴吐舌头气喘喘的。丙吉赶忙停车,命令骑吏前往询问:这头牛走了几里路?随从人员就说:「丞相,人死了,你视而不见,牛只是喘气,你却注意,你真是颠倒了关心的对象吧!」也有人用这两件事来讥笑丙吉。丙吉的回答:「人民相互打斗杀伤,这是首都长安或者地方长官应该作的职责,如何禁止、防备、捉拿坏人,年度终了,作丞相的考核他们的成绩,奏请皇帝加以赏罚。宰相不必亲自处理这种小事,所以不应当急于在道路上处理。当春天的时候,太阳并不强烈,我恐怕牛只走了一段小路,就因为太热而气喘了。这是不是气候冷热异常,对牛的伤害呢?作为宰相,他的职责是治理全国性的大政,气候是不是风调雨顺,关系到全国人民的生活。所以我当然要过问。」随从听了,知道丙吉是一位识大体的人物,终于认同丙吉的行为。画中一片原野,烟雾迷漫山树之间,丙吉作指点问话,拱手站立牛旁回答的是农民,这与上面的史书上记录有所差别,画把它改成由丙吉亲自问答,显得故事更加亲切。