题跋类别:作者款识;作者:王时敏;题跋位置:本幅;款识:壬子(西元一六七二年)长夏。倣黄子久浮岚暖翠图笔意。娄东王时敏。时年八十有一。;书体:行楷书;全文: 印记:王时敏印、西庐老人、西田主题:
主要主题:山水 ;其他主题:建筑房舍 ;其他主题:建筑桥 ;其他主题:建筑篱笆、围墙篱笆;其他主题:建筑寺庙 ;其他主题:树木松 ;其他主题:山水溪涧、湍泉溪涧;其他主题:树木技法:
收藏着录: 石渠宝笈三编(延春阁),第五册,页2143 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷五),第三册,页505 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第十册,页27-28 参考书目: 1.陈韵如,〈「天子之宝 — 台北国立故宫博物院的收藏」展品系列(四) — 绘画〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第247期(2003年10月),页50。2.陈昱全,〈清王时敏浮岚暖翠〉,收入何传馨主编,《山水合璧:黄公望与富春山居图特展》(台北:国立故宫博物院,2011年五月初版一刷),页342-343。 内容简介(中文): 王时敏(西元一五九二-一六八0年),江苏太仓人。字逊之,号烟客,自称西庐老人、西田主人、偶谐道人、归村老农。诗文书画俱佳,而于山水特有体会,为清四大家之一。 本幅画岚峰烟树,苍翠欲滴。王氏作画多以黄子久为依归,此帧谿壑布局皆近子久,而巽笔湿墨,自具别裁。色用大绿,和胶稍浓,故多变为焦黄,损色不少。据画右作者款题,此为王氏八十一岁的作品。 内容简介(中文): 王时敏(1592-1680)字逊之,号烟客,江苏太仓人,祖父是晚明宰相王锡爵,父亲王衡曾为翰林编修。出身世家的王时敏受益于家学,于诗文、书画造诣皆高。在祖父王锡爵促成下,幼年即就董其昌画稿习画,追随董其昌的绘画仿古论调。此件〈浮岚暖翠〉即仿黄公望画风,浑厚山体、曲折河谷,构图上与〈九珠峰翠〉相通;右侧骤然耸立的平台山体,也常见于黄公望画中。但山体上清晰轮廓线,更明示着山体的前后推移。中后景主山以留白为云,消去山脚,形成另一种镶嵌效果,在实体的山、虚空的云之对比中,别有冲突动态。而在前中景山间画出排排树丛,一方面回应着山脉块面,另也与河谷中大小石块,合成律动生气。此外,透过颜色,如赭色、墨绿等烘染山体,虽说是仿古,已然新立成就。(陈韵如) 内容简介(中文): 王时敏(西元一五九二-一六八0年),江苏太仓人。字逊之,号烟客,自号西庐老人、西田主人、偶谐道人、归村老农。资性颖异,淹雅博物,画为清四大家之一。 王奉常画,一以黄子九为依归,四王而后,遂不能越此轨辙。此幅谿壑布局,皆近子九,而巽笔湿墨,自具别裁,色用大绿,和胶稍浓,故多变为焦黄,使损色不少。八十一岁画。 内容简介(英文): Wang Shih-min, was a native of T’ai-ts’ang, Kiangsu. As a boy he received instruction from the famous painter and calligrapher Tung Ch’i-ch’ang(1555-1636). He was excellent at copying the works of the old masters, and was especially fond of Huang Kung-wang’s painting. He is known as one of the Four Wangs of the Ch’ing.dynasty. The paintings of Wang Shih-min for the most part are modeled after the landscapes of Huang Kung-wang(1269-1354). He and the other three of the Four Wangs’ understanding of Huang Kung-wang became a guiding principle for the succeeding artists. This painting depicts a river valley setting reminiscent of the compositions of Huang Kung-wang, but as the brushwork is better here, a different tone is captured. Mineral green mixed with rather heavy glue has been used, so that the color has taken on a thick burnt yellow effect. The painting was completed in 1672 when the artist was eighty-one years old. 网页展示说明 王时敏(1592-1680),江苏太仓人。字逊之,号烟客,又号西庐老人、西田主人等。出生书香世家,父亲与祖父都曾担任明朝官职,幼年即得当代著名文人董其昌教导,为清初正统派「四王」之一。 本幅画高山纵谷中,溪水潺潺、林木茂密、山腰烟云浮动之景。透过树丛、平台与冈阜形成左右扣合的两股山势。用笔沉稳,敷色大胆,用青绿对比赭色罩染的岩块与峰峦,以山脚树石,山顶平台,圆弧形山峦及高低起伏的远树等黄公望画的母题呈现夏季山间景趣。作于王时敏八十一岁。(20110609) 网页展示说明 Wang Shimin (style name Xunzhi; sobriquets Yanke, Xilu laoren, Xitian zhuren) was a native of Taicang in Jiangsu. Born into a family of scholars, both this father and grandfather served the Ming court as officials. At a young age he came under the instruction of the famous literatus Dong Qichang and was one of the ''Four Wangs'' of the Orthodox School in the early Qing dynasty.This painting depicts a lofty mountain and deep valley with a stream flowing though it along with scenery of dense forests and cloudy mists floating among the foothills. The groves, outcroppings, and foothills come together to form two ridges on the left and right. The brushwork is steady and the coloring bold, with mineral blues and greens set off against washes of ochre for the rocks and peaks. The motifs of Huang Gongwang's painting, such as the trees and rocks of the foothills, outcroppings of the mountaintops, arcing forms of the hills, and fluctuating heights of the distant trees, all express the scenery of summer mountains. This work was done by Wang Shimin at the Chinese age of 81.(20110609) 网页展示说明 王时敏(1592-1680)、江苏太仓の人。字は逊之、号は烟客、西芦老人、西田主人など。読书人の名门に生まれ、父と祖父ともに明朝の官职に就いていた。幼い顷に名高い文人董其昌に教えを受けた。清代初期正统派「四王」の一人。 本作には、縦谷に流れるせせらぎや郁苍と生い茂る树木、山腰にたなびく烟云など、高山の风景が描かれている。画面の左右両侧に配置された树木と开けた平地、小高い丘が山势を形作っている。用笔には落ち着きがあるが着色は大胆で、青绿と赤褐色で染め上げた岩石や大小の山々が対比をなしている。山裾の树石、山顶の平地、连绵と続く円弧形の山、高さの异なる远方の树木など、黄公望作品のモチーフが夏山の景趣の内に表现されている。王时敏81歳の作。(20110609)