主要主题:建筑台阁 ;次要主题:树木竹 ;次要主题:建筑栏杆 ;次要主题:建筑城墙城关;次要主题:人物高士(士人、隐士) ;次要主题:人物官员(臣) ;其他主题:山水 ;其他主题:人物侍从(侍女、童仆) ;其他主题:人物百姓 ;其他主题:建筑水利水坝堤防;其他主题:器用文玩(琴棋书画)画;其他主题:器用文房用具 ;其他主题:器用饮食器 ;其他主题:器用家俱(屏风)椅凳、桌;其他主题:船客舫 ;其他主题:船帆船 ;其他主题:走兽马 ;其他主题:树木 ;其他主题:人物渔夫、船夫船夫;其他主题:山水江河、湖海技法:
工笔 界画 双钩 皴法披麻皴人物衣纹描法(匀称线条)参考资料:
收藏着录: 石渠宝笈初编(重华宫),下册,页804 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷五),第三册,页501 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第九册,页299-300 参考书目: 1.林莉娜,〈明人画望海楼图〉,收入林莉娜主编,《宫室楼阁之美 - 界画特展》(台北:国立故宫博物院,2000年初版),页110。 内容简介(中文): 主楼为十字脊歇山顶, 上层正面出一间抱厦, 楼腰间置平坐, 外护以钩栏, 檐下斗栱出跳. 柱头上施额枋设平板枋, 转角处皆出头呈霸王拳式, 额枋与梁柱交接处有旋子彩画墨线图案「一字枋心」, 额枋下以雀替负重. 砖基城楼四周有堞口, 基座正面开设城门道有排叉柱式门洞, 城台上建有单檐歇山城楼, 外围护以钩栏, 腰间置平坐. 城门墩侧面可循慢道上城楼, 下端入口建乌头门. 屋宇脊顶之蛤白勾勒线条仍鲜明如故, 使楼台轮廓分外醒目. 内容简介(中文): 主楼雄峙于城墙上,三重檐十字脊歇山顶,楼之左侧突出一座方亭,殿内柱身高大,开间广阔。楼腰间置平坐,外护以钩栏、雁翅板,檐下斗栱出跳,昂嘴昂面是「琴面昂」。屋脊吻兽、脊饰、椽檐皆细绘。城墩顶四周砌有垛口,砖砌城墙基座正面开设梯形城门道,排叉柱式城门洞,墩顶四周砌垛口,门墩顶上建木平坐,其上建有单檐歇山城楼。城楼两山面出踏道通到城墙顶上,下端建有乌头门。 内容简介(英文): The main building here presides on top of a city wall. With a triple-eave, hip-and-gable, cross-shaped roof, the gables have crescent beams and decoration (such as vertical ch'ui-yü). To the left is an attached pavilion. The columns inside are large, allowing for an expansive interior. An elevated terrace is around the sides along with brackets. The decoration of the ridges, as well as the eave rafters, is finely rendered. The areas where the outer eave lintels and columns meet have also been painted. The city wall is composed of slabs with turrets along the edge. A gate below the pavilion has supporting columns. Between the tower and building is a stairway, at the base of which is a wu-t'ou gate. White lines also accent the ridges. 内容简介(英文): The main building here presides on top of a city wall. With a triple-eave, hip-and-gable, cross-shaped roof, the gables have crescent beams and decoration (such as vertical ch'ui-yu). To the left is an attached pavilion. The columns inside are large, allowing for an expansive interior. An elevated terrace is around the sides along with brackets. The decoration of the ridges, as well as the eave rafters, is finely rendered. The areas where the outer eave lintels and columns meet have also been painted. The city wall is composed of slabs with turrets along the edge. A gate below the pavilion has supporting columns. Between the tower and building is a stairway, at the base of which is a wu-t'ou gate. White lines also accent the ridges. 网页展示说明 画中楼阁矗立于城墙之上,下瞰大江,屋内设有雅座与眺廊,文人三五成群,有些持卷观赏,有些凭窗眺远,前方路上有骑马及挑行李还没进城门的旅客。利用原有城垣扩大成为台基,台上建楼阁。主楼为三重檐十字脊歇山顶,斗栱单抄三下昂,昂嘴、昂面的做法与宋制是一样的「琴面昂」。山花内设虹梁,屋脊脊饰吻兽、檐椽细绘。楼之左侧突出一座四角亭,亭内有藤墩、屏风,殿内柱身高大,开间广阔。 楼腰间置平坐,外护以栏杆、雁翅板。 唐、宋以后,屋顶坡度由缓变峻,在楼阁建筑上多用举折法,使得屋顶轻盈活泼,明代的城楼已有采用。本幅用界工整,青绿设色已略剥落,然屋宇脊顶之蛤粉白色颜料勾勒线条仍鲜明如故,使楼台轮廓分外醒目。 砖砌城墙基座正面开设城门道,排叉柱式城门洞,由密集排列的木柱及它所承托的梯形木构架形成。城门墩顶建城楼平坐,城墩墙面向内斜收,四周砌垛口,其上建有三开间单檐歇山顶城楼,门扇为版门、直櫺窗,外围有重台钩栏,游人可循设在城墙内侧的踏道直接登上城楼。在另一处有乌头门,作为进入城内殿堂的入口门。 网页展示说明 The main building here presides magnificently on top of a city wall. With a triple-eave, hip-and-gable, cross-shaped roof, the gables are shown with crescent beams and decoration (such as vertical ch'ui-yu). To the immediate left of the building is an attached pavilion. The columns inside are large, which allow for an expansive interior. An elevated terrace extends around the sides with railings, and the brackets under the eaves and yen-ch'ih-pan panels are below. The decoration to the main and subsidiary ridges, as well as the eave rafters, is finely rendered. The areas where the outer eave lintels and columns meet have also been painted. The city wall itself is composed of slabs with turrets running along the outer edge. A gate is shown below the pavilion in the foreground with supporting columns (p'ai-ch'a chu) inside. Between the gate tower and the main building along the wall is a stairway, at the base of which is a wu-t'ou gate (which has uprights but no crossbeam or roof), also serving as an entrance to the building complex inside. White lines accent the lines of the ridges, making them stand out clearly. 研究性论着: 画中楼阁矗立于城墙之上, 下瞰大江, 因名声极大, 招来游客登临宴饮. 屋内设有雅座与眺廊, 有文人三五成群, 有些持卷观赏, 有些凭窗眺远, 童士拿扇, 前方路上有骑马及挑行李还没进城门的旅客. 砖砌城墙基座正面开设城门道, 墙面向内斜收, 排叉柱式城门洞, 由密集排列的木柱及它所承托的梯形木构架形成. 城门墩顶建平坐, 四周砌垛口. 其上建有三开间单檐歇山顶城楼, 外围护以钩栏, 腰间置平坐, 游人可循设在城墙内侧的踏道直接登上城楼. 在另一处有乌头门, 作为进入城内殿堂的入口门. 主楼雄峙在城墙上, 利用原有城垣扩大成为台基, 台上建楼阁. 主楼为三重檐十字脊歇山顶, 山花内设虹梁, 斗栱单抄三下昂. 殿内柱身高大, 开间广阔. 楼之左侧突出一座四角亭, 亭内有藤墩、屏风. 楼腰间置平坐, 外护以钩栏、雁翅版, 檐下有斗栱出挑. 屋脊脊饰吻兽、 檐椽亦细绘, 外檐有彩画图案. 柱头上施阑额设普拍枋, 转角处皆出头. 本幅用界工整, 青绿设色已略剥落, 然屋宇脊顶之蛤白勾勒线条仍鲜明如故, 使楼台轮廓分外醒目.( 注 1 ) 唐、宋以后, 屋顶坡度由缓变峻, 在楼阁建筑上多用举架法, 明代的城楼已有采用, 所以此图歇山屋顶坡度大于一般殿堂. 明代建筑装饰手法应用明显增多, 外檐斗栱已从结构件变成装饰构件. 斗栱之昂多为假昂, 平放平出, 昂嘴、昂面的做法与宋制是一样的「琴面昂」. 注 1: 此图签题虽定为「望海楼图」, 然根据其绘画内容来看, 整个建筑群组面城临江, 居高临下, 墙上有城堞, 江中有沙洲遥遥相对, 都符合武昌黄鹤楼的特征, 或可定为黄鹤楼图. 画上并无仙人跨鹤腾空而去, 下方众人恭立指示, 宋代杨济>中有黄鹤楼建筑「凡三层, 外圆内方」的描述, 但是目前可见绘画中并无任何黄鹤楼「外圆内方」的形象描绘.