主要主题:人物高士(士人、隐士)5人主要主题:器用文玩(琴棋书画)书;次要主题:树木梧桐 ;次要主题:人物侍从(侍女、童仆)4人 ;其他主题:树木松 ;其他主题:树木芭蕉美人蕉 ;其他主题:树木竹 ;其他主题:建筑庭院 ;其他主题:建筑栏杆 ;其他主题:器用花器 ;其他主题:器用文房用具 ;其他主题:器用家俱(屏风)屏风、桌椅、坐榻技法:
工笔 界画 人物衣纹描法(粗细线条)参考资料:
收藏着录: 石渠宝笈三编(御书房),第七册,页3081 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷五),第三册,页136-137 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第三册,页61-62 收藏着录: 以文会友-雅集图特展,页182-187、280 参考书目: 1.〈宋人十八学士图〉,收入国立故宫博物院编辑委员会编,《园林名画特展图录》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1987年十月初版),页72-73。2.林莉娜;〈明人十八学士图(书)〉,收入林莉娜主编,《文人雅事 明人十八学士图》(台北:国立故宫博物院,2012年十月初版),页24-29、58-63。3.林莉娜;〈关于明人十八学士图之考析〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第356期(2012年11月份),页72-87。4.洪顺兴;〈鑑古知今—谈宋人十八学士图的设色技法与画中挂轴装裱〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第356期(2012年11月份),页88-95。 内容简介(中文): 唐太宗起文学馆,收聘贤才,以杜如晦、房玄龄、于志宁、苏世长、薛收等十八人,并为学士。旋收卒,复召刘孝孙补之,命阎立本图像,褚亮为赞,题名字爵里,号十八学士。 桐阴间,竹栏环之,屏风前有士人五,一人正执笔方书,馀数人摊书于几或手持书卷,另童子数人侍于侧边。画家勾写人物姿态各具,神情逼肖,另描绘园中景物亦甚精详,洵为佳作。 内容简介(英文): When T'ang T'ai-tsung (r. 626-649) established the Hall of Literary Studies (Wen-hsüeh Küan), he commissioned Yen Li-pen (d.673) to paint the eighteen talented scholars he had engaged. Ch'u Liang wrote a eulogy for the painting and a colophon noting the scholars' names and hometowns. This composition, one of a set of four hanging scrolls, is a Sung dynasty copy of the original T'ang painting. In the shade of pawlonia trees, five scholars sit in front of a screen in an area surrounded by a bamboo balustrade. One scholar holds a brush and appears to be on the verge of writing. The others have either opened a book on the table or hold a scroll in their hands. Several boys stand by the scholars ready to serve them. The gestures of the scholars are rendered exquisitely, and their expressions are very realistic. The setting is also painted carefully with great detail. This is truly a magnificent painting. 内容简介(英文): Tea often accompanied the four leisures of the scholar-zither, go, calligraphy, and painting-common subjects from the T'ang, Sung, and later. Of the 4 scrolls on these activities, this deals with Chinese checkers (go). Though ascribed to a Sung painter, it is actually a late Ming (1368-1644) imitation. In fact, the tea bowl held by an attendant is typical Chia-ching form of the Ming. The other objects are also so, despite recording a way that tea was drunk in the Sung—infusion. By a garden rock is a table with various vessels, such as a tea leaf jar, tea bowls, a handled pot, a wine pot, and a handled wine cup. In front are 2 attendants. One has a black lacquered tea saucer with a white tea bowl. The other has a teapot and pours into a bowl. 网页展示说明 庭园内梧桐高耸笔直,斑竹栏杆曲绕。文士博学好古,以文会友,一人半跏趺坐于榻上,执笔构思,一人手执书卷,俯首旁观。馀者分坐于曲搭脑灯挂椅、湘妃竹椅及瓷墩上,展书阅读;另有童仆手捧书函、卷册,侍立于左右。画中可看到装帧讲究之线装书、函套及书页版式。画面中央摆设「插屏式」山水画屏,底部为抱鼓墩座,前置大榻。另有面心嵌大理石漆桌,屏风后面有花腿高束腰方桌,桌子轮廓皆为「壸门」式,腿足间饰突出云翅纹。斑竹椅形制讲究,前有延伸脚踏连接,此类竹制家具奇巧雅致,深受文士喜爱。前景另有石案,纹理仿如斑竹,上置松树盆景,旁列盆养石菖蒲。选用仿古铜器造型之钧窑花盆,绿、蓝釉颜色典雅古朴,更增添庭中雅趣。(20121019) 网页展示说明 Paulownia trees rise prominently in a garden setting with a mottled-bamboo railing in the background. Erudite scholars with a fondness for antiquity are having a literary gathering. One sits on a daybed holding a brush in a pensive manner. Another holds a scroll and looks down intently. Others sit and read on such furniture as a top-rail "lamp-hanger" side chair, mottled bamboo chair, and porcelain stool. Young attendants to their left and right hold books and scrolls, the painting revealing the art of stitch binding and book casing as well as block printing.In the center is a standing screen of a landscape painting inserted into buttress supports, a large daybed appearing in front of it. The top of the lacquered table is inlaid with variegated marble, while behind the screen is a high-waisted table with arched cusps and cloud veins decorating its legs. The meticulous form of the mottled bamboo chair has an extension joined in front. This type of elegant and ingeniously designed bamboo furniture was much favored by scholars. In the foreground is a stone table, its patterning similar to the mottled bamboo. On it is a potted pine tree and planters for a stone and calamus to the side. A Jun-ware porcelain imitating an ancient bronze was chosen as a planter, its elegant and archaic blue-green coloring adding refinement to the courtyard.(20121019) 网页展示说明 庭园には高く真っ直ぐに伸びた桐の木があり、斑竹の栏干が巡らされている。文士は博学で古を好み、文をもって友と会した。画中の人物を见ると、一人は半跏座で榻(寝台风の长椅子)に腰かけ、笔を手に构想を练っている。隣の人物は书巻を手にうつむいてその様子を眺めている。他の人物は曲がった背もたれつきの灯挂椅(明代に一般的だった椅子)や、湘妃竹椅(斑竹制の椅子)、磁墩(磁器制の丸椅子)に腰を下ろし、书物を広げて読んでいる。童仆たちは书函と巻册を持ち左右に控えている。画中には凝った装丁の线装书と函套、页の版式も描かれている。画面中央に「挿屏式」の山水画屏(冲立风の装饰品)がある。下部は抱鼓墩座(円形石彫刻制の台座)で、その前に大きな榻が置いてある。これらのほかに、天板に大理石がはめ込まれた漆涂りの桌があり、冲立の后ろには花腿高束腰方桌(下部がすぼまった方形の机)もある。机类の轮郭は全て「壶门式」で、足は立体的な云翅纹で装饰されている。斑竹椅の造形も凝ったもので、前に足置きもついている。この种の工夫を凝らした趣深い竹制家具は、文士たちにたいへん好まれた。このほか前景に置かれた石案(石制の机の一种)には斑竹のような模様が入っている。案の上には松の钵植えがあり、その横に置かれた植木钵には石菖蒲が植えてある。この庭园の主は古代铜器の造形を模した钧窑の植木钵を选んでいる。古风で素朴な绿釉と青釉の味わい深い色合いが、庭园に一层の雅趣を添えている。(20121019) 网页展示说明 明式家具将材料、功能、设计互相结合,木材色泽柔和,纹理清晰,造型简练,曲直变化流畅,具有「精、巧、雅」的特色。明代文人居室布置充满丰富意蕴,使用的家具和器物陈设,体现文人生活品味与审美情趣。「插屏式」屏风前后分置黑漆花腿画桌及高束腰(家具上的收缩部份,一般位于面板边框和牙条间)花腿方桌,两者皆饰有「壸门」式牙条,腿足中段、足端间饰云翅纹,边缘起阳线。桌案面心皆嵌大理石,白微带灰黑的色纹。桌面的山川云烟近似宋代米家山水,为家具增添画意与趣味。若依画中家具设计式样来看,均属明式风格。湘妃竹椅(或称斑竹椅)形制讲究,座面下嵌入扁圆形框架,腿足之间安踏脚枨,连接延伸脚踏。斑竹家具因其特殊稀有,紫褐色斑纹奇巧雅致,观赏价值高,深受贵冑文士喜爱。(20121019) 网页展示说明 Ming dynasty furniture represents a fine fusion of material, function, and design. The mellow wood hues, fine grain, and succinct shapes combine to make fluid forms featuring "precision, skill, and refinement." The residences of literati in the Ming dynasty were filled with overtones and meaning, turning furniture and display antiquities into embodiments of aesthetic tastes and tendencies in literati life at the time.In front and behind the standing "insert" screen are a black-lacquered table and high-waisted rectangular table both with decorative legs (the table waist generally being the tabletop and apron). Both tables are decorated with cusped arches, with both the middle and end portions of the legs featuring cloud-wing patterns and raised ridges. The tabletops are made of marble with black and gray in the white suggesting the cloudy mountains of Song dynasty Mi Family (Mi Fu and Mi Youren) landscape painting, thus adding a painterly touch to the furniture. The forms and decoration of the furniture here all belong to Ming dynasty styles.The mottled bamboo chair here is meticulously designed. Below the seat are round woven forms, and connected to the front is an extension serving as a footrest. Mottled bamboo furniture, because of its rarity, brownish coloring, and unusual elegance, was especially appreciated and favored by scholars and members of the nobility.(20121019) 网页展示说明 明代の家具は、材料・机能・设计の三者が互いに结び付いています。木材の柔らかな色合い、くっきりした模様、シンプルなデザイン、流れるような曲线の変化など、「精、巧、雅」がその特色だと言えます。明代文人の居室の调度品は実に趣深く、実际に使用した家具や器物には、文人たちの気品溢れる暮らしぶりや、その审美感が表れています。「挿屏式」屏风(冲立风の装饰品)の前后に、黒い漆涂りの花腿画桌(脚の装饰を施した机)と高束腰(一般に家具の収缩部分は天板の縁と牙条の间になる)の花腿方桌が置いてあります。どちらにも「壶门式」の牙条(天板下脚上部の装饰)があり、脚の中ほどと脚先は云翅纹で饰られ、縁は阳线になっています。桌案の天板はどれも大理石がはめ込まれており、白に灰黒色を帯びた模様が见られます。机の上に広げられた山川云雾を描いた山水画は宋代の米家山水に近く、家具に画意と趣を添えています。画中の家具のデザインを见ると、いずれも明代の様式だとわかります。この湘妃竹椅(斑竹制の椅子、斑竹椅とも言う)は凝った造りで、座面下侧面に偏円形の枠がはめてあり、脚の间にある踏脚枨が足置きに繋がっています。斑竹制の家具は非常に珍しく、紫褐色の斑纹が优れて美しく趣があり、観赏価値も高く、贵族阶级の文士たちに爱されました。(20121019) 网页展示说明 白瓷碗器腹部饰有波涛红彩天马,接近成化(1465-1487在位)以后、嘉靖(1522-1566在位)年间常见之祥云衬托飞马纹样。虽画面瓷器仅露出部份,但鬃尾的粗线描法,「山」字火燄纹画法,「壬」字云纹画法,具有嘉靖官窑天马纹线条较粗,绘画不精的时代特征。 // 庭中雅趣-盆景、盆栽:明代文人重视园林生活之美,喜蓄养花木盆景以美化环境,为居家生活增添高雅品味。〈明人十八学士图〉画中植物品类可分:林木类(罗汉松、梧桐、槐、雀梅)、花卉类(牡丹、萱花)、观叶类(棕榈、菖蒲、芭蕉)、竹类(斑竹)、草本类(含羞草)等类型。松树裸根悬露,树冠苍翠刚劲,层次分明,造型优美。苍松植于 紫红釉长方盆,折沿、直壁,底面下接四云形足。旁侧搭配盆养石菖蒲两式;一式为 钧窑仰钟式盆,盆下置放 钧窑三足鼓钉洗;另一式为 渣斗式花尊。(20121019) 网页展示说明 The body of the white porcelain vessel depicted here is decorated with a red heavenly horse among waves, similar to the flying horse and auspicious clouds often seen on porcelains after the Chenghua (1465-1487) and during the Jiajing era (1522-1566). Although only a portion of the decoration is revealed, the coarse lines of the horse's hair along with the patterned flame and cloud forms accord with imperial wares of the Jiajing court, evidence of a decline in precision painting at the time. // Courtyard Refinements: Potted Scenes and Plants:Ming literati emphasized beauty in garden life, using potted plants and scenery to embellish the surroundings and add lofty elegance to their residences. The garden vegetation found in "The Eighteen Scholars" includes various types of trees (Buddhist pine, paulownia, locust, Chinese sweet plum), flowers (peony, lily), ornamental foliage plants (palm, calamus, plantain), bamboo (mottled bamboo), and grasses (mimosa).With roots exposed, the miniature pine tree has a strong and verdant canopy featuring distinct layers in beautiful forms. The old pine is in a rectangular planter with light purple glaze. It has a flat extending rim and straight walls, the bottom supported by four cloud-shaped feet. It is complemented by a pair of potted calamus plants. One is in a Jun porcelain planter shaped like an inverted bell and placed in a three-legged drum-stud Jun porcelain washer. The other is in a spittoon-shaped flower "zun" vase.(20121019) 网页展示说明 この 白磁碗の胴は波涛红彩天马の模様で饰られています。成化(在位期间1465-1487)以降から嘉靖年间(在位期间1522-1566)にかけては、祥云を背景にした空翔る马の模様がよく见られます。この絵には部分的にしか描かれていませんが、たてがみと尾を描く太い线、「山」の字に似た火炎纹の描き方、「壬」の字形の云纹の描き方など、嘉靖时代の官窑作品特有のやや太い线で描かれた天马となっています。これは絵画があまり振るわなかった时代の特徴です。 // 庭园の雅趣─寄せ植えと钵植え:明代の文人たちは庭园での过ごし方とその美に重きを置き、花木や钵植えを育てて暮らしの彩りとし、日常生活に趣を添えました。「明人十八学士図」に描かれている植物は次のように分类されます。树木类(罗汉松、桐、槐、雀梅)、花卉类(牡丹、萱花)、観叶植物类(棕榈、菖蒲、芭蕉)、竹类(斑竹)、草本类(含羞草)。露になった松の根、がっしりした枝に青々とした叶が茂り、叶と干がくっきりと别れ、优美な姿を见せています。松が植えられている 紫红釉の长方形の盆(钵)の口は外縁で直线的、底に云形の足が四つ付いています。その侧にある二つの钵には石菖蒲が植えられています。一つは、 钧窑仰钟式盆で、 钧窑三足鼓钉洗に载せてあります。もう一つは 渣斗式花尊です。(20121019)