题跋类别:作者款识;作者:王时敏;题跋位置:本幅;款识:丁未(西元一六六七年)秋日。倣黄鹤山樵笔。王时敏。;书体:行书;全文: 印记:王时敏印、西庐老人、鸿雪、笙歌灯火楼台、太原王逊之收藏图书主题:
主要主题:山水 ;次要主题:山水溪涧、湍泉 ;其他主题:山水江河、湖海江河;其他主题:树木杨柳 ;其他主题:树木松 ;其他主题:建筑房舍 ;其他主题:人物高士(士人、隐士) ;其他主题:人物侍从(侍女、童仆)童仆;其他主题:翎毛鹤 ;其他主题:器用扇扇;其他主题:器用家俱(屏风)榻;其他主题:建筑桥 ;其他主题:建筑茅草屋 ;其他主题:人物百姓 ;其他主题:山水山径 ;其他主题:树木 ;其他主题:山水瀑布技法:
写意 皴法 皴法披麻皴人物衣纹描法(减笔) 苔点参考资料:
收藏着录: 石渠宝笈续编(重华宫),第三册,页1721 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷五),第三册,页507 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第十册,页17-18 内容简介(中文): 王时敏,江苏太仓人,(西元一五九二-一六八0年)字逊之,号烟客,自称西庐老人、西田主人、偶谐道人、归村老农。性资颖异,淹雅博物,画为清四大家之一。此幅仿王蒙笔,层山叠翠,一涧中分。幅右下丛树中置一草堂,高士挥扇对庭前舞鹤。皴山石以渴笔牛毛皴,下笔稳健,用墨由淡入深,层层皴染,通幅笔墨绵密而精工,学王蒙甚得其稳重苍郁之趣,画成于康熙丁未(一六六七年),时年七十五。 内容简介(中文): 王时敏(1592-1680),江苏太仓人。字逊之,号烟客,又号西庐老人、西田主人、偶谐道人、归村老农。性资颖异,淹雅博物,为清初四王之首。本幅仿王蒙笔,层山叠翠,一涧中分。幅右下丛树中画一草堂,高士挥扇对庭前舞鹤。皴山石以渴笔牛毛皴,下笔稳健,用墨由淡入深,层层皴染,通幅笔墨绵密而精工,学王蒙甚得其稳重苍郁之趣。此帧成于丁未(1667),时年王时敏七十五岁。(20110913) 内容简介(英文): Wang Shimin, a native of Taicang in Jiangsu, had the style name Xunzhi; his sobriquets were Yanke, Xilu laoren, Xitian zhuren, Ouxie daoren, and Guicun laonong. Talented by disposition and unusually gifted, he delved into leisurely pursuits and studies, becoming head of the Four Wangs of the Early Qing.This landscape after the Yuan dynasty painter Wang Meng depicts layers of mountains bisected by a mountain torrent. In a thatched pavilion in the grove of trees in the lower right sits a lofty scholar waving a fan and watching a dancing crane. The rocks and mountains are depicted in fine “ox-hair” texture strokes applied with a dry, firm brush; ink was rendered in progressively darker layers. This work, executed in meticulous and detailed brushwork, successfully emulates the sedate, verdant qualities of Wang Meng’s paintings. It was completed in 1667, when Wang Shimin was 75 by Chinese reckoning.(20110913) 内容简介(英文): The talented and learned Wang Shih-min was one of the “Four Masters of the Ch’ing Dynasty.” He was from T’ai-ts’ang, Kiangsu. His style-name was Hsün-chih, and his sobriquet was Ephemeral Guest; he also called himself Old Man of Hsi-lu, Master of the Western Fields, On-hsieh Taoist, and Old Farmer Heading Home.This landscape after the Yüan dynasty painter Wang Meng (ca.1308-1385) depicts layers of mountains bisected by a mountain torrent. In the thatched pavilion in the grove of trees in the lower right, a gentleman sits waving a fan, watching a dancing crane. The rocks and mountains are drawn in fine “ox hair” texture-strokes applied with a dry, firm brush; ink is applied in progressively darker layers. This work, executed in meticulous, detailed brushwork, successfully emulates the sedate, verdant qualities of Wang Meng’s paintings. It was completed in 1667, when the artist was seventy-five years of age.