题跋类别:作者款识;作者:徐渭;题跋位置:本幅;款识:山深熟石榴。向日笑开口。深山少人收。颗颗明珠走。文长。;书体:草书;全文: 印记:徐渭印、文长、公孙大娘、湘管斋主题:
收藏着录: 石渠宝笈续编(宁寿宫),第五册,页2822 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷五),第三册,页422 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第八册,页141-142 内容简介(中文): 徐渭(西元一五二一-一五九三年),山阴人。字文清,又字文长,号天池、青藤老人。性好奇,尝落款曰:田水月。善古文辞,书则学米,行草尤妙。画自成一家,山水、人物、花虫、竹石无一不精。本幅写石榴一枝,笔力强劲,水墨淋漓,是徐渭本色。右上方题识云:「山深熟石榴,向日笑开口;深山少人收,颗颗明珠走。文长。」书画二者两相辉映,超逸绝伦。 内容简介(中文): 徐渭(西元一五二一至一五九三年),山阴人。字文清,更字文长,号天池,晚号青藤老人。性好奇,尝落款曰田水月。善古文辞,书则学米,行草尤妙。画自成一家,山水、人物、花虫、竹石靡不超逸。说者谓其中岁始学画花卉,不经意,涉笔潇洒,天趣灿发,于二者中,皆可称散僧入圣。尝自言:吾书第一,诗二,文三,画四,识者许之。本幅写意石榴一枝。笔力强劲,水墨淋漓,是徐渭本色。右上方题识:「山深熟石榴,向日笑开口;深山少人收,颗颗明珠走。文长」书与画并皆超诣。 内容简介(英文): Hsü Wei was a native of Shan-yin, Chekiang. In calligraphy he mastered the running-cursive style of Mi Fu. An outstanding painter, he produced superb renditions of human figures, landscapes, bamboo and rocks, and flowers and insects. It was said that Hsü only began to paint flowers in his middle age. His bold brushwork gives his paintings a natural air. Both his painting and his calligraphy gave him a reputation as a genius. Hsü Wei himself said of his artistic achievement that “My calligraphy ranks first; my poetry, second; my essays, third; and my painting, fourth.” Later scholars agreed with this criticism. He often signed his name “Field-water-moon,” the Chinese characters for which make up the composite character for Wei, his given name. In this painting, a branch of a pomegranate tree is rendered in a hsieh-yi style, catching the viewer’s eye immediately with its firm brushwork and rich ink tones. This work is one of the artist’s masterpieces. 内容简介(英文): Hsü Wei, a native of Chekiang province, excelled at ancient verse and in calligraphy studied the Mi style, his semi-cursive script being superb. In painting, he formed a style of his own, being gifted at all such subject matter as landscapes, figures, flowers-and-insects, and bamboo-and-rocks. In this painting, a branch of pomegranate is rendered with powerful brushwork and very moist and watery ink, which are characteristic of Hsü Wei’s style. In the upper right is the artist’s poem;Pomegranates ripen deep in the mountains,Splitted open as they grimace at the sun.Few people go to pick them in the deep mountains,The brilliant red fruit go one by one.The painting and calligraphy complement each other perfectly to create an extraordinary pair.