主要主题:山水秋景 ;次要主题:建筑房舍 ;次要主题:船篷舟 ;其他主题:人物孩童 ;其他主题:树木 ;其他主题:器用耕织渔猎渔;其他主题:器用家俱(屏风) ;其他主题:建筑篱笆、围墙 ;其他主题:树木杨柳 ;其他主题:人物渔夫、船夫渔夫;其他主题:人物高士(士人、隐士) ;其他主题:山水江河、湖海技法:
收藏着录: 石渠宝笈续编(宁寿宫),第五册,页2780 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷五),第三册,页212 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第五册,页1-2 参考书目: 1.林莉娜,〈元王蒙秋山草堂图〉,收入林莉娜编,《秋景山水画特展图录》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1989年十月初版),页70-71。2.蒋复璁,〈王蒙秋山草堂图〉,收入国立故宫博物院编,《元四大家》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1975年初版,1976年二版,1984年三版),页68-69。3.李霖灿,〈山水画中点景人物的断代研究〉,《故宫季刊》,第十三卷第二期(1978年冬),页25-40。 内容简介(中文): 王蒙(西元一三○八—一三八五年),吴兴人,字叔明,号黄鹤山樵。赵孟頫外孙,画得赵氏法而能自立面目,为元四大家之一。 一溪两岸,林木相错,远近之间,极得掩映之妙。林间屋宇相衔,男女作息,虽不求形似,而有一种山林森爽之气,乃刻削形容者所不能至。背山绵延远去,衰芦野艇,疏林小屋,横其间,真有一望无尽之概。通幅笔墨雅淡,设色极精,静穆之中,觉其古厚而明净。 内容简介(英文): Wang Meng (style name Shu-ming and sobriquet Shan-ch'iao) was a native of Wu-hsing, Chekiang. The grandson of the famous artist Chao Meng-fu (1254-1322), he successfully absorbed the style of his grandfather yet was able to develop his own, eventually becoming known as one of the Four Great Masters of the Yüan. The near and far shores of a tree-lined stream echo each other in this painting. Buildings can be seen among the trees where figures rest. This painting, even though the artist did not seek to create a sense of formal likeness, is imbued with luxuriant vegetation and a feeling of leisure. Mountains reach out to the far distance. Withered reeds, outing boats, leafless trees, and tiny houses are scattered throughout the seemingly unlimited landscape. The artist's handling of ink is refined and elegant, and the application of colors is fine and delicate. The calm of the work suggests an air of archaism and purity. 网页展示说明 王蒙(1308-1385),吴兴 (今浙江湖州)人。赵孟頫外孙,后得黄公望指导,又常与倪瓒等人切磋,而能自立面目,为元四大家之一。此画乃王蒙三十六岁(1343)之作,一溪两岸,衰芦野艇,林木相错,在远近之间,林间屋宇相衔,山势绵延远去。通幅山重水复,景色稠密,布局繁密,以解索皴法表现林峦郁茂的质地,笔墨雅淡,设色极精,古厚中有明净之意,为王蒙精品画作之一。(20120714) 网页展示说明 Wang Meng was a native of Wuxing (modern Huzhou, Zhejiang). A grandson of Zhao Mengfu, he also was taught by Huang Gongwang while learning from such figures as Ni Zan. He also stood on his own, becoming one of the Four Yuan Masters. This work from 1343 depicts the banks of a river, where reeds grow and a boat drifts. Trees intersect and in the fore- and middleground are buildings with ridges going up and into the distance. The piling of mountains and waters creates a dense and complex composition, the tangled texture strokes expressing the lushness of forests and land. The light and elegant brush and ink with exceptionally refined colors give bright clarity to the archaic heaviness, making this a masterpiece of Wang Meng's painting.(20120714) 网页展示说明 王蒙(1308-1385)、呉兴(现在の浙江省湖州市)の人。赵孟頫の外孙にあたる。黄公望の指导を受け、倪瓒らと切磋琢磨し、独自の画风を确立した。元四大家の一人。王蒙36歳(1343)の时の作品。川の両岸、枯れた芦と小舟、交错する树木などが描かれている。树木の间に见える、画面中ほどの家屋は前后が繋がっており、山の峰が遥か远方まで绵々と连なっている。画面全体に重なり连なる山々と水辺の风景が稠密に描かれ、景物も复雑に配置されている。解索皴法(画法の一つ)によって山々と生い茂る树木のありのままの姿が表现されている。笔墨は淡く上品で、着色もすばらしい。古色溢れる中にも清らかな明るさがある。王蒙の名作の一つに数えられる。(20120714)