主要主题:山水冬景(雪景)雪景;次要主题:人物高士(士人、隐士) ;其他主题:人物侍从(侍女、童仆) ;其他主题:建筑房舍 ;其他主题:建筑栏杆 ;其他主题:器用饮食器盘、碗;其他主题:器用家俱(屏风)桌、帘布;其他主题:花草梅(白.红.蜡梅)梅;其他主题:树木松 ;其他主题:树木寒林.枯树枯枝;其他主题:树木竹技法:
写意 界画 人物衣纹描法(匀称线条) 苔点参考资料:
收藏着录: 石渠宝笈初编(养心殿),上册,页669 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷五),第三册,页142-143 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第三册,页89-90 内容简介(中文): 山石中,微露屋簷的一角,一位士人依凭着栏杆,观赏雪中寒梅。屋后有一树弯曲而高耸入云,大体似松柏,树枝左右分张,以拖笔画成,梅也运用拖枝法写成。 从画中笔法的使用,及画幅重心偏置一角的构图,可推想是出自马远一派的画家作品。 内容简介(英文): The painting depicts a corner of a mountain pavilion covered with snow. A lofty scholar leans on the railing viewing spring’s earliest plum blossoms peeking from around the corner of the roof.A tall pine works its way into the open air like a bent iron rod. This method of rendering pine trees resembles the style of Ma Yüan. Both near and distant mountains are modeled by toned wasnes which suggest the vast distances of a landscape. An effective background is provided by the vermillion clouds. A cold wind seems to sweep over the landscape filling the air with an icy chill. 网页展示说明 这幅立轴没有作者名款,目前归属为宋人的作品。作者将主体安顿在画面的边角,相对地增加了画面空白的比例。画中人物戴着风帽,令人感受到寒冬的气息,而留白的效果,进一步加深了冰封大地的感觉。为了平衡构图虚实,作者着意拉长枝干,向辽阔的空间伸展,不但突显枝干转折交错的结构美感,同时暗示一股潜在的精神力量,不畏风雪,足以顶天立地亘古长存。 网页展示说明 This hanging scroll bears neither seal nor signature of the artist but is presently ascribed as an anonymous work of the Sung dynasty. The artist here placed the main part of the composition in the lower corner, thereby giving that area weight and proportionately increasing the “empty” portion of the work. The figure shown here wears a cowl-like cap against the wind, suggesting the coldness of winter. The area of silk left blank suggests an icy feeling that further adds to the coldness of the land. To balance the solid and void in the composition, the artist also consciously lengthened the trunk and branches, extending them into the open space. Not only does it give prominence to the aesthetic curving and crossing of the branches and trunks, it also suggests an implicit spiritual force that defies the cold, seemingly engulfing the earth and the heavens for all eternity.