题跋类别:题跋;作者:何权;题跋位置:本幅;款识:何权 茆堂结构背江干。日日爱看江上山。箕踞盘陀吟未稳。不知身在画图间。何权。主题:
主要主题:山水 ;其他主题:山水山径 ;其他主题:山水溪涧、湍泉 ;其他主题:山水江河、湖海 ;其他主题:山水瀑布 ;其他主题:树木寒林.枯树 ;其他主题:人物高士(士人、隐士) ;其他主题:建筑台阁 ;其他主题:建筑房舍 ;其他主题:建筑桥 ;其他主题:船技法:
收藏着录: 石渠宝笈续编(宁寿宫),第五册,页2648 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷五),第三册,页37-39 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第一册,页159-161 参考书目: 1.何传馨,〈宋范宽临流独坐图〉,收入王耀庭、许郭璜、陈阶晋编,《故宫书画菁华特辑》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1987年初版,2001年再版),页68-69。2.林莉娜,〈宋范宽临流独坐图〉,收入林莉娜编,《秋景山水画特展图录》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1989年十月初版),页63-65。3.马孟晶,〈范宽临流独坐图〉,收入林柏亭主编,《大观- 北宋书画特展》(台北:国立故宫博物院,2006年初版一刷),页63- 65。4.马孟晶,〈延续与变格 — 〈临流独坐〉与范宽风格〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第283期(2006年10月),页14-21。5.朴载硕,《传范宽《临流独坐图》之研究》,国立台湾大学艺术史研究所硕士论文,1993年。6.许文美,〈宋范宽临流独坐图〉,收入蔡玫芬主编,《精彩一百 国宝总动员》(台北:国立故宫博物院,2011年九月初版一刷),页258。 内容简介(中文): 范宽(活动于西元十世纪末年-十一世纪初),陕西华原人,本名中正,字仲立。因性情宽厚,当时人称之为范宽。画山水师承李成、荆浩,后揉合各家长处,而形成自已的新法。 本幅山形轮廓多方折的线条,皴纹直劲有力,水墨层加渍染,用墨甚浓,有坚实厚重之感。林麓间留白作烟云,与山石成虚实之呼应,凝重中有灵秀之韵。 内容简介(中文): 本幅具有典型北宋山水主山堂堂居中的雄伟构图,画中并无绘者款印,清代才归于范宽(活动于十世纪后半-十一世纪初)名下。浮突的树根、山顶的密林、粗砺的山石等,都明显承继自〈谿山行旅〉。但被切割的主山缩减了体积与量感,画面充满云烟与山石的虚实对应,人物是独坐岸边、自觉性地观照四周山水的文士,身分和与自然的关系都已与前作不同。画中皴笔从范宽质朴直皴转为侧锋刷染,已有斧劈皴意念,时代或稍晚于李唐。(20061206) 内容简介(英文): This painting is typical of the monumental landscape manner of the Northern Sung, with its central dominant mountain majestically centered in the composition. Although it does not have the seal or signature of the artist, it was not until the Ch’ing dynasty that the work was ascribed to Fan K'uan. Such features as the “floating” tree roots, dense mountaintop forests, and coarse rocks and mountains all clearly follow in the tradition of Fan K'uan's masterpiece “Travelers Among Mountains and Streams”. However, the truncated form of the main mountain reduces the sense of volume and capacity, the painting surface correspondingly being filled with a contrast of solid and void represented by rock forms and misty clouds. In addition, the figure of the scholar sitting alone by the riverbank consciously observing the landscape around him reveals an identity and relationship with nature that markedly differs from that in “Travelers Among Mountains and Streams”. The texture strokes here also have been transformed from Fan K'uan's simple and direct texturing into wash strokes with a slanted brush, somewhat reminiscent of later “axe-cut” texture strokes developed by Li T'ang, but here done slightly after him.(20061206) 内容简介(英文): Fan K’uan(style name Chung-li) was a native of Shensi. He first followed Li Ch’eng in landscape painting but also studied the works of Ching Hao. Later, he developed his own style. He was known for his magnanimous and forthright character.This work depicts a massive mountain and deep valley enshrouded with layers of mist. In the trees and rocks, Fan’s brushwork is ruggedly powerful. For the mountain boulders, modeling was lightly added after the outlines were done, giving a great sense of depth and weight. The most outstanding feature lies in the areas of mist represented as blank silk. The void works as a foil against the heavier inked sections, leaving a sense of delicate harmony amidst the ponderous masses. 网页展示说明 本幅无款,清代《式古堂书画汇考》着录为「范宽临流独坐图」。与传世范宽〈谿山行旅〉相较,山顶攒簇密林、山石轮廓墨浓且粗细多变化、树木树根浮突等特点,确近范宽风格。然从山水空间结构及笔墨来看,绘制年代推测为南宋初年。画中人物临流独坐,别于北宋山水画点景人物多为市井小民。学者认为此画山水作为人物居住及观照的对象,反映两宋之际士大夫默坐澄心的人格旨趣。(20110913) 网页展示说明 This painting is unsigned, but Catalogue of Painting and Calligraphy in the Shigu Hall from the Qing dynasty records it as “Fan Kuan’s ‘Sitting Alone by a Stream.’” Compared to Fan Kuan’s surviving masterpiece of “Travelers Among Mountains and Streams,” the features of dense forests clustered on mountaintops, outlines of mountain forms in dark ink varying in thickness, and exposure of tree roots all indeed are in the Fan Kuan style. However, judging from the spatial construct of space and the use of brush and ink, it appears that the date of production is slightly later during the early Southern Song period.In the work is a figure sitting alone by a stream, which differs from other Northern Song landscape paintings dotted with figures who are mostly commoners. Scholars believe that this landscape was an object of idealized dwelling that reflected the goal of purifying the mind by sitting quietly as practiced by scholars of the late Northern and early Southern Song.(20110913)