题跋类别:题签; 宋赵清献公抃书主题:
收藏着录: 石渠宝笈续编(干清宫),第一册,页445 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷三),第一册,页178-180 参考书目: 1.朱惠良,〈赵抃致知郡公明大夫尺牍〉,收入国立故宫博物院编,《宋代书画册页名品特展》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1995年初版一刷),页236。2.朱惠良,〈「七十件书画册页名品特展」精选(一) — 赵抃知郡公明大夫尺牍〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第146期(1995年5月),页54-55。 内容简介(中文): 赵抃〈西元1008-1084年〉,字阅道,浙江衢县人。景祐进士,累官殿中侍御史,刚正立朝,弹劾不避权贵,时称「铁面御史」。历知成都及虔、杭、越等州,为政轻简。神宗立,擢参知政事,与王安石不合,以资政殿大学士、太子少保致仕。卒,諡清宪。工诗善书,时人谓其诗清新律切,笔迹劲丽,萧然如其为人。 此牍小楷萧散古朴,以锺繇书风为宗,笔法结字脱尽时俗,为赵氏书中精品。本幅选自「宋人法书册一」第十幅。 内容简介(中文): 赵抃(西元一ΟΟ八?一Ο八四年)字阅道,衢州人。累官殿中侍御史,刚正立朝,弹劾不避权贵,时称铁面御史。历益州路转运使,加龙图阁学士知成都,仅以一琴一鹤自随。神宗立,擢参知政事,与王安石不合,以资政殿大学士、太子少保致仕。卒諡清宪。工诗善书,笔迹劲丽,萧然如其为人。此牍小楷萧散古朴,以锺繇书风为宗,笔法结字脱尽时俗,为赵氏书中精品。本幅选自《宋人法书册》。(20100711) 内容简介(英文): Zhao Bian, native to Quzhou, became Palace Censor. Upright and outspoken, he criticized officials of rank and power, being known as “Iron-faced Censor.” As Fiscal Commissioner of Yizhou and Longtu Pavilion Academician Prefect of Chengdu, he was frugal and upright. After Shenzong assumed the throne, he became Vice Grand Councilor but ran into conflict with Wang Anshi, becoming Grand Academician of the Zizheng Hall and Heir Apparent Junior Guardian. Good at poetry and calligraphy, in the latter contemporaries admired his concise, harmonious quality. This letter from “Album of Song Calligraphy” in small regular script is sparse and plain, following Zhong You’s style. His brushwork, not emulating fashions then, makes it a masterpiece.(20100711) 内容简介(英文): Chao Pien(style name Yueh-tao)was a native of Ch'u-hsien in Chekiang. After receiving his chih-shih civil service degree in the Ching-yu era(1034-1037), he served as Palace Censor. He was of upright and outspoken character, often criticizing officials regardless of their power or position. As a result, he earned the nickname "The Iron-faced Censor." He served as prefect of such places as Ch'eng-tu, Ch'ien-chou, Hangchou, and Yüeh-chou, being frugal and upright in his administration. When emperor Shen-tsung(r.1068-1085)assumed the throne, he was promoted to Vice Grand Councilor, but subsequently came into conflict with the prime minister Wang An-shih(1021-1086). Chao then assumed the semi-retired posts of Grand Academician of rh Hall for Aid in Governance and Junior Guardian of the Heir Apparent. Chao excelled at poetry and calligraphy , and his contemporaries admired the former for its concise and harmonious quality. His calligraphy was powerful, mush like his stern personality. This work is in small regular script, which appears desolate and plain in character. His style followed that of Chung Yu(151-230)and his use of brush dud not follow contemporary fashions. This work is the tenth leaf from the album sung-jen fa-shu I and is a masterpiece of Chao's calligraphy.