题跋类别:题跋;作者: ;题跋位置:本幅;款识:僧权(存半);书体:楷书;全文:僧权(存半)主题:
收藏着录: 石渠宝笈初篇(御书房),下册,页932 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷一),第一册,页1-2 收藏着录: 国宝再现-书画菁华特展,页12-17、248 参考书目: 1.张光宾,〈晋王羲之平安、何如、奉橘三帖〉,收入王耀庭、许郭璜、陈阶晋编,《故宫书画菁华特辑》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1987年初版,2001年再版),页10-11。2.何传馨,〈晋王羲之平安何如奉橘帖〉,收入何传馨、何炎泉、陈韵如编,《晋唐法书名蹟》(台北:国立故宫博物院,2008年初版),页31-33。3.〈晋王羲之平安何如奉橘帖〉,收入国立故宫博物院编辑委员会编,《名宝上珍》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1995年初版一刷),页168。4.张光宾,〈国之重宝 — 书画精萃特展〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第19期(1984年10月),页13-14。5.本社,〈晋王羲之平安如何奉橘三帖〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第54期(1987年9月),页1。6.王耀庭,〈略述王羲之快雪时晴帖 何如奉橘三帖题跋的实况 — 兼答罗藏锋先生来函〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第84期(1990年3月),页78-89。7.张光宾,〈晋王羲之平安何如奉橘三帖〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第100期(1991年7月),页92-93。8.王裕民,〈试论平安何如奉橘帖上的「平海军节度使之印」 — 宋代官印研究二〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第172期(1997年7月),页76-83。9.何传馨,〈王羲之报平安:略谈〈平安何如奉橘帖〉〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第247期(2003年10月),页4-11。10.侯怡利,〈晋王羲之平安何如奉橘三帖〉,收入蔡玫芬主编,《精彩一百 国宝总动员》(台北:国立故宫博物院,2011年九月初版一刷),页180。11.〈平安何如奉橘帖〉,收入何传馨、陈阶晋、侯怡利编,《故宫法书新编(一)晋 王羲之墨蹟》(台北:国立故宫博物院,2010年初版一刷),页50-63。 内容简介(中文): 王羲之(303-361),祖籍山东临沂,西晋末徙居浙江会稽。曾任右军将军、会稽太守。擅长楷、行、草书,精研体势,开创妍美典雅的书风,后人尊称为「书圣」。此帖以双钩廓填的方式,精心摹写三则王羲之书札,尤其重视笔画之间的牵丝映带,忠实呈现王羲之书法体势之美。另外也摹出鑑帖人的押署,印证南朝至唐代鑑藏古蹟的模式。(20081012) 内容简介(中文): 王羲之(303-361),祖籍山东临沂,西晋末徙居浙江会稽。曾任右军将军、会稽太守。擅长楷、行、草书,精研体势,开创妍美典雅的书风,后人尊称为「书圣」。此帖以双钩廓填的方式,精心摹写三则王羲之书札,尤其重视笔画之间的牵丝映带,忠实呈现王羲之书法体势之美。另外也摹出鑑帖人的押署,印证南朝至唐代鑑藏古蹟的模式。(20110913) 内容简介(中文): 王羲之(西元三0七-三六五年),山东临沂人,西晋末随父南渡,曾拜右军将军,世称王右军。和东晋士人一样,他向往道家,喜爱山水,书风富有诗意和性灵的特质,正代表了艺术家所寻求的自我解放。此三帖虽是唐代以前的双钩摹本,但笔划的使转勾挑仍可看出充满速度和方向的变化,书法线条彷彿有了独立的生命。它打破了隶书方正庄严的特质,把书法带入能自由而丰富地表达个人性情的境地。 内容简介(英文): Wang Hsi-chih, a native of Shantung, followed his father south at the end of the Western Chin and rose to become General of the Right. Like other Eastern Chin scholars, he leaned towards Taoism and enjoyed the landscape. His callligraphy has a poetic sense and a spiritual quality that precisely reflects the individual freedom sought by artists.These three works mounted onto a single scroll are all tracing copies done before the T'ang, but they still reveal the speed and variety of brushwork where the brush turned and was lifted. The lines appear to have a life of their own. They depart from the formal qualities of clerical script and take the art of calligraphy to a realm of freedom that clearly expresses the individuality of the artist. 内容简介(英文): Wang Xizhi, whose ancestors were from Linyi in Shandong, moved to Guiji in Zhejiang at the end of the Western Jin period. He once served as General of the Right Army and as Prefect of Guiji. He was known, however, more for excelling at regular, running, and cursive script calligraphy, studying their features in depth to create an elegant style of unparalleled beauty, which is why later generations referred to him as the “Sage of Calligraphy.” This piece is an exquisite copy of three short letters by Wang Xizhi using the method of “double outlines filled with ink.” Particular attention was placed on the wisp-like traces of the brush, faithfully reflecting the beautiful features of Wang Xizhi’s calligraphy. In addition, even the ciphers of previous connoisseurs were copied, providing evidence for the method of collecting from the Southern Dynasties to the Tang dynasty, when this copy was made. (20110913) 内容简介(英文): Wang Hsi-chih, whose ancestors were from Lin-i in Shantung, moved to Kuei-chi in Chekiang at the end of the Western Chin period. He once served as General of the Right Army and as Prefect of Kuei-chi. He was known, however, more for excelling at regular, running, and cursive script calligraphy, studying their features in depth to create an elegant style of unparalleled beauty, which is why later generations referred to him as the “Sage of Calligraphy.” This piece is an exquisite copy of three short letters by Wang Hsi-chih using the method of “double outlines filled with ink.” Particular attention was placed on the wisp-like traces of the brush, faithfully reflecting the beautiful features of Wang Hsi-chih’s calligraphy. In addition, even the ciphers of previous connoisseurs were copied, providing evidence for the method of collecting from the Southern Dynasties to the T’ang dynasty (618-907), when this copy was made. (20081012) 网页展示说明 王羲之(303?361),字逸少,山东临沂人,后来移居浙江会稽。为名门之后,曾任右军将军,所以又有「王右军」的称号。王羲之初学卫夫人,后来又博采众长,研习张芝(卒于 192)、锺繇(151?230)、蔡邕(133?192)、张旭(卒于 206)等人的书法,创造了妍美流丽的书风,有「书圣」的美誉。这件书蹟是双钩廓填(以透明或半透明的纸复于原作上,先双钩字的轮廓,再逐笔填墨)的方法,摹写在硬黄纸上,包含了三封短信。第一则为「平安帖」,是一件行书兼草书的作品。第二则「何如帖」和第三则「奉橘帖」都是用行书书写。三帖中,「平安帖」的运笔提按顿挫变化较多,一些牵丝引带的草书笔法,十分灵巧;「奉橘帖」的字形大小偃仰,也很富变化;相形之下,「何如帖」就比较端整。释文:此粗平安。脩载来十馀□。□人近集存。想明日当复悉。□□由同增慨。羲之白。不审尊体比复何如。迟复奉告。羲之中泠无赖。寻复白。羲之白。奉橘三百枚。霜未降。未可多得。(20110913) 网页展示说明 王羲之(303?361),字逸少,山东临沂人,后来移居浙江会稽。为名门之后,曾任右军将军,所以又有「王右军」的称号。王羲之初学卫夫人,后来又博采众长,研习张芝(卒于 192)、锺繇(151?230)、蔡邕(133?192)、张旭(卒于 206)等人的书法,创造了妍美流丽的书风,有「书圣」的美誉。 这件书蹟是双钩廓填(以透明或半透明的纸复于原作上,先双钩字的轮廓,再逐笔填墨)的方法,摹写在硬黄纸上,包含了三封短信。第一则为「平安帖」,是一件行书兼草书的作品。第二则「何如帖」和第三则「奉橘帖」都是用行书书写。三帖中,「平安帖」的运笔提按顿挫变化较多,一些牵丝引带的草书笔法,十分灵巧;「奉橘帖」的字形大小偃仰,也很富变化;相形之下,「何如帖」就比较端整。释文:此粗平安。脩载来十馀□。□人近集存。想明日当复悉。□□由同增慨。羲之白。不审尊体比复何如。迟复奉告。羲之中泠无赖。寻复白。羲之白。奉橘三百枚。霜未降。未可多得。 网页展示说明 Wang Hsi-chih, a native of Shantung, followed his father south at the end of the Western Chin and rose to become General of the Right. Like other Eastern Chin scholars, he leaned towards Taoism and enjoyed the landscape. His calligraphy has a poetic sense and a spiritual quality that precisely reflects the individual freedom sought by artists. These three works are all tracings copied onto a single scroll before the T'ang, but they still reveal the speed and variety of brushwork where the brush turned and was lifted. The lines appear to have a life of their own. They depart from the formal qualities of clerical script and take the art of calligraphy to a realm of freedom that clearly expresses the individuality of the artist.