收藏着录: 石渠宝笈初编(御书房),下册,页1096 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷三),第一册,页4 内容简介(中文): 曲礼乃礼记之篇名。礼,曲礼注:「曲礼者,委曲说礼之事。」而所谓曲礼者,乃以其篇记五礼之事。祭礼之说,吉礼也;丧荒去国之说,凶礼也;致贡朝会之说,宾礼也;兵车旌鸿之说,军礼也;事长敬老、执贽纳女之说,嘉礼也。本幅草书三行,乃节书曲礼四语,文曰:「敖不可长,欲不可纵,志不可满,乐不可极。」左下并钤有「寸心千里」一印。 内容简介(中文): 〈曲礼〉乃《礼记》之篇名。礼,曲礼注:「曲礼者,委曲说礼之事。」而所谓曲礼者,乃以其篇记五礼之事,五礼为吉礼、凶礼、宾礼、军礼、嘉礼。本幅草书三行,乃节书〈曲礼〉四语:「敖不可长,欲不可纵,志不可满,乐不可极。」左下钤「寸心千里」印。全作用笔圆润厚实,使转自如,单字大小错落,结字亦讲求变化,四组写法相异的「不可」可见其巧思,点画之间颇见怀素草书之影响。(20120104) 内容简介(英文): “Detailed Ceremonials” (Qu Li) is part of the Book of Rites. One commentary notes, “Qu Li is a detailed discussion of ceremonial affairs.” It discusses 5 kinds of rituals for auspiciousness (worship), misfortune (e.g., funerals), diplomatic protocol, the military, and court ceremonies. These 3 lines in cursive script feature 4 sentences from Qu Li: “Arrogance shouldn’t develop; desires shouldn’t be indulged; ambition shouldn’t be uncurbed; pleasures shouldn’t go to extremes.” In the lower left is a seal for “The Heart is Boundless.” The brushwork is rich and strong, turning naturally. Individual characters have varying sizes and structures; “bu ke 不可” is repeated but done differently, revealing ingenuity. Strokes also suggest Huaisu’s cursive script.(20120104) 内容简介(英文): The Ch'u Li or Detailed Ceremonials, is one section of the ancient Book of Rites. One commentary to the work notes that "The Ch'u Li is a detailed discussion of ceremonial affairs." The work discusses five kinds of ceremonial observances: rituals of worship, or auspicious rituals; the rituals associated with such unfortunate occasions as funerals, famines, or banishment; the court rituals for paying tribute or holding imperial audiences; the military rituals of soldiering and charioteering; and the societal ceremonials for serving one's seniors, revering the elderly, becoming a teacher's disciple, or acquiring a wife. These three lines in grass script are four phrases from the Ch'u Li. They read as follows:"Arrogance should not develop; the desires should not be indulged; ambition should not be uncurbed; pleasures should not go to extremes."