主要主题:山水 ;其他主题:树木松 ;其他主题:建筑房舍 ;其他主题:建筑桥 ;其他主题:建筑篱笆、围墙 ;其他主题:建筑茅草屋 ;其他主题:树木竹 ;其他主题:山水瀑布 ;其他主题:树木技法:
写意 皴法 皴法披麻皴人物衣纹描法(减笔) 苔点参考资料:
收藏着录: 石渠宝笈三编(避暑山庄),第九册,页4408-4409 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷五),第三册,页321 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第六册,页217-218 参考书目: 1.江兆申,〈沈周崇山修竹 轴〉,收入国立故宫博物院编,《吴派画九十年展》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1975年初版,1976年再版,1981年三版),页295。2.许郭璜,〈水墨微踪认始真 — 沈周〈崇山修竹〉之画风检讨〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第313期(2009年4月),页102-115。3.许郭璜,〈有竹居别业 — 沈周〈崇山修竹〉画中主题〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第314期(2009年5月),页71-77。4.许郭璜,〈品题流落两伤神 — 关于沈周〈崇山修竹〉的题跋与流传〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第315期(2009年6月),页104-111。 内容简介(中文): 沈周(西元一四二七-一五○九年)字启南,号石田,亦自称白石翁,长洲人。?吉之子。山水花卉禽鱼悉入神品。工书善诗,为明四大家之一。 成化六年,沈周四十四岁,是年刘珏以此画题赠其弟刘竑,故当是沈四十四岁以前之作。辛酉再题,沈已七十五矣。吴宽、刘珏,俱负盛夕名。又一题为文林,乃文征明之父。一时名士,俱留手泽,是此幅之足珍者又不仅以画也。 内容简介(中文): 此画乃沈周为刘珏所作。成化六年(一四七○)春,刘珏之弟刘以规春试入京,珏举以为赠。次年辛卯(一四七一)二月,刘珏史鑑沈周沈召同游西湖。壬辰(一四七二)春,刘珏逝。八月,刘以规持此画求吴宽文林为之题。三人同在京师。纸狭故山亦瘦长。皴法似王叔明。大抵与四十一岁所作庐山高图甚为接近,松叶树榦则较庐山高图直挺。画树皴山,皆中锋笔,与晚年喜用侧笔中锋者不同。幅上未署款,但在左下角石上有一印。 三月二日,唐寅生;十一月六日,文征明生。 内容简介(英文): 1470Shen Chou “Lofty Mountains and Towering Bamboo” This painting was executed for Liu Chüeh. In the spring of 1470, Liu’s younger brother Liu I-kuei went to Peking to take the metropolitain examinations; Liu Chüeh requested this painting as a gift for his brother. In the second month of 1471, Liu Chüeh, Shih Chien, Shen Chüeh, Shih Chien, Shen Chou, and Shen Chao went to West Lake near Hangchou; Liu Chüeh died in the spring of 1472. In the eighth month of that year Liu I-kui asked Wu K’uan and Wen Lin (Wen Cheng-ming’s father) to inscribe Shen Chou’s painting when the three were in the capital. Shen Chou painted an extremely tall, slender mountain to fit the long narrow paper. The texture strokes are derived from Wang Meng. The effect of the painting is rather similar to “Towering Mount Lu”, painted when the artist was 40 years old (1467). The pine needles and tree trunks are even more straight and thrusting than in the earlier work. The texture strokes in the trees and mountains were executed with the brush held upright, in contrast to the slanted brush prevalent in his late works. There is no signature on the painting, but one of Shen Chou’s seals appears on a rock in the lower left corner. In 1470, when “Lofty Mountains and Towering Bamboo” was painted, T’ang Yin was born on the 2nd day of the third month, and Wen Cheng-ming was born on the 6th day of the eleventh month. 内容简介(英文): Lofty Mountains and Tall BambooShen Chou (1427-1509)Ming Dynasty Shen Chou went by the style name Ch’i-nan and the sobriquet Shih-t’ien and called himself Pai-shih-weng. A native of Ch’ang-chou, Kiangsu, he was the son of the scholar-artist Shen Heng-chi (1409-1477). His paintings of landscapes, flowers, birds, and fish were of the divine category. He also excelled at calligraphy and poetry, being known as one of the Four Masters of the Ming. In 1470, when Shen Chou was 43-years-old, Sh’en’s friend Liu Chüeh requested this painting be done for his younger brother, Liu I-kuei. This work must have thus been painted sometime before 1470. In 1501, the painting was inscribed again, when Shen was 74. In addition to inscriptions by such luminaries as Liu Chüeh and Wu K’uan, there is also one by Wen Cheng-ming’s father (Wen Lin). The inclusion of the calligraphy by such important cultural figures only further enhances the artistic brilliance of the painting. 研究性论着: 幅内无款,仅于右下土坡钤「启南」印一。画山树皆取细笔中锋,与晚年之相比,本幅笔法显得疏秀清朗。皴山石用短披麻居多,山顶参以矾头杂于其间,取法与四十一岁作「庐山图」气息相通,并皆出自王蒙,细致绵密的作风尤与被誉为「天下第一王叔明」(注1)的「青卞隐居图」最为接近。本幅据沈周于诗塘自题云(沈题于辛酉,1501,75岁),知原为马抑之作此图,(注2)旋归刘玨(1410—1472)。成化六年(1470)春仲其弟刘竑春试入京,玨因其弟「角艺南宫,以期其远大。」而题此幅为赠以壮其行,壬辰(1472)春刘玨逝去,仲秋刘竑持此图求吴宽、文林题,时三人同在京邸。从三人之题可知沈周此幅当成于1470年前后,与从画风比对和1467年画之「庐山高」正可相诠证。另款署「立斋」者,从其所钤之「凤仪」、「赐己丑进士」二印查勘,得一名于成化五年己丑(1469)登科者丁镛(1435年生),字凤仪,应天府上元县人。(注3)本幅图中有茅屋数椽,竹丛山色,所绘颇似沈周之别业「有竹居」。成化辛卯(1471)沈周有竹居既结,其时文士好友若吴宽、刘玨等多人皆过往并贻之诗,李东阳云:「幽人住在竹深处,种有青山濯有川。」黎扩云:「新居僻地城东地,高竹千竿水一川。」优雅辞句描述与画中幽深景致实有若干契合之处。(注4)而沈周坐卧有竹居中多年,亦有写景作品传世及为诗文歌咏。(注5)(许郭璜)注1:董其昌跋王蒙青卞隐居图语。见安岐,《墨缘汇观录》卷三,(台北:台湾商务印书馆,1970),页160。注2:马抑之生平待考,只知其有收藏书画并与沈周来往酬应,沈周文集里有诗三首与马氏。见沈周,《石田先生集》(明万历陈仁锡编刊分体本)(台北:国立中央图书馆编印,1968),第二册,页317、524、587。注3:姚夔等编,《明代登科录汇编》(明成化间刊本)(台北:学生书局,1969)第二册,页926。注4:《石田先生集》同注2,页872-874。注5:关于有竹居之详考参见,傅申,〈沈周有竹居与钓月亭图卷〉,国立故宫博物院编辑委员会编,《中国艺术文物讨论会论文集》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1992),书画(上),页385-392。