时代:西汉: 公元前206-公元8年
参考:《故宫文物月刊》188期(赴法展)器物处台北巿:国立故宫博物院1998/11;(赴美展图录)Possessing the Past: Treasures from the National Palace Museum, TaipeiWen C. Fong, James C.Y. WattThe Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York1996/05;《故宫玉器选萃》国立故宫博物院编纂台北巿:国立故宫博物院1970/03
[ SQL ] SELECT DISTINCT `tag` FROM `cmf_portal_post_tag` WHERE `id` = 358475 AND `type` = 1 AND `score` > 50 ORDER BY `score` DESC [ RunTime:0.009096s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT DISTINCT `tag` FROM `cmf_portal_post_tag` WHERE `id` = 358475 AND `type` = 2 AND `score` > 50 ORDER BY `score` DESC [ RunTime:0.008850s ]